Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Take Me to the Church

I heard a song yesterday while driving that so completely turned Me on it's not even funny. Seriously.  The lyrics go something like this...

My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshiped her sooner

If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Every Sunday's getting more bleak
A fresh poison each week

'We were born sick,' you heard them say it

My Church offers no absolutes.
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom.'
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you—

I was born sick,
But I love it
Command me to be well
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice

Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That's a fine looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful

That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work

[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

No Masters or Kings
When the Ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am Human
Only then I am Clean
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[Chorus 2x:]
Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life 

Now instead of Me rambling on to tell you why this song gave Me a lady boner... I'd like to know why YOU all think it did?  Who knows Me well enough yet to understand the elements of the song that drove Me quite instantly to an erotic state of mind??

Here's the song if you'd like to listen to it

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Don't Tell Me...Show Me


 No truer words have ever resonated with Me quite as much as these do... 

Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words.
I hear words all day through first from him, now from you.
Is that all you blighters can do!
Don't talk of stars burning above, if you're in love, show me.
Tell me no dreams filled with desire, if you're on fire, show me.
Here we are together in the middle of the night, don't talk of spring just hold me tight.
Anyone who's ever been in love'll tell you that this is no time for a chat.
Haven't your lips longed for my touch, don't say how much, show me, show me.
Don't talk of love lasting through time, make me no undying vow! Show me now!
Sing me no song, read me no rhyme, don't waste my time, show me.
Don't talk of June, don't talk of fall, don't talk at all, show me.
Never do I ever want to here another word, there isn't one I haven't heard
Here we are together in what ought to be a dream, say one more word and I'll scream!
Haven't your arms hungered for mine, please don't explain, show me, show me.
Don't wait until wrinkles and lines pop up all over my brow! Show me now!

   Promises of devotion, platitudes of service, titillating passages spouting rhyme or reason to make Me think you're deserving of My time.... while they all serve to amuse and delight Me they fade away with no depth or breadth when your actions don't show that they are true and steadfast.  
   Words I've heard before, again and again, from this one and that but they never pan out, they never ring true.  Words inspire life and love but without air breathed into them they always seem to fall rather flat.
     Don't tell Me of your undying need, don't promise Me your unyielding faithfulness.  Don't flatter Me with sonnets or songs.  Don't use words unless they have meaning.

Don't Tell Me ... Show Me



And now... The Big News you've been waiting for!!!



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Curled Up

   On days like today it's not at all surprising to find Me curled up somewhere in fetal position with a blanket tucked around Me.   I've a relatively high pain tolerance so when you do find Me this way you know the pain is completely wracking My body.  There's very little I can do for it (trust Me I've tried).  The silver lining is that I know at most it will last but a day or two then ebb down again into something tolerable.  
  So for today please send your positive well wishes, prayers, good vibes... whatever it is you do, this way.  I could use it and greatly appreciate it.  I'm not up for much chit chat as My brain tends to not work well when the pain is so great but I'll reply to messages and such as soon as I'm able to again.  Thank you for understanding and for being the beautiful people you are.

Miss Manda

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Tease

Squatting to become eye level with her as she kneels before Me, I look her directly in the eye knowing this unnerves her in so many different ways all at once.  The shiver that runs through her beautiful body doesn't escape Me and a soft smirk plays at My lips.  
   'Awe, do you get tingles knowing I'm so damn close yet you cannot touch Me?  Or is it perhaps that you know I'm about to touch you and there's nothing you can do to stop Me?  Both maybe?''  Teasingly said as I hold her gaze daring her to even blink.
She nods slightly and I begin to rise again with a chuckle. Walking around her naked form the sound of My heels lightly tapping the wooden floor beneath Me I look over her again.  Her delicate pale skin alluring in the rather dim dungeon of our basement.  her hair meticulously pulled back by Myself earlier, into a high pony to grab easily.  Her eyes again averted to the floor as she knows I'm enjoying the view I have.  Even with her eyes averted I can see the beauty they hold, the love that shines, as well as the devotion they offer and I smile.  
    'My brenda, you've really outdone yourself lately... I'm feeling quite proud of you.  I'm always proud of you, but lately even more so.  I see the effort you've been giving in making yourself even more accessible to Me whenever and however I should call for it'  A slight tap to her left thigh with the teal tipped leather crop that always fits so perfectly into My hands makes sure she's listening to what I'm saying and not allowing her thoughts to drift off elsewhere.  'I don't think we should get too comfortable with our progress though.... and when I say we I mean you dear.... so let's push you a bit see how far brenda can bend.'  Another swift tap with the crop to her round ass
 'Come on... up and lean over this stool.  Grab the legs of it on the other side. As far over as you can while I get a few toys..'  leaving her to do as instructed I walk the few steps over to the toy bench and begin deciding what to play with.  I pick up the suede flogger, the leather long paddle, and of course My favorite glass dildo with teal accents.  Holding them up for her to see one by one with the evil yet playful grin she's come to expect from Me.  'I was wondering which to use but I think all three will be fun today'.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014



Something new is coming... Something big is happening.  I will explain in tomorrow's blog so stay tuned!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Is altruism possible?

So, I have this amazing friend who read My blog from yesterday and asked if I thought altruism was possible.  What is altruism you ask?  I'll summarize it in his own words, ''A lack of selfishness.  The desire to help someone selflessly with no benefit to oneself.''  It made Me think for a moment and you all know how I love when people ask questions that make Me think. 

This came about because I mentioned that when I give others compliments I get something out of it... in truth My selfless act of making someone smile truly isn't selfless at all.  I am rewarded within Myself, a sort of gratification comes from it.  I do believe this is the reason for a majority of why people are generous to begin with.  It's even built into our economic system.... if you give this you get that (tax write off)... 

In saying that however, I do absolutely believe in altruism is very much possible and practiced.  I've studied a bit on the topic and have seen some amazing people go out of their way to do things for others where they would have no benefit themselves.   The stranger who rushes into a burning building to save someone doesn't have time to think about the rewards, even internally, they simply do.  The toddler who in an almost reflexive desire to help when they see the need.  The offering of a submissive to do something they don't enjoy or get any gratification from simply to please the one they serve.  These are small examples.  

When My middle daughter was a toddler I became quite ill.... a series of migraines that lasted for six months straight.  They were debilitating and no one could find out what was causing them. I spent most of that six months on the couch curled in a ball.   When loved ones weren't there to help she would take care of her older sister without question, bring Me blankets and pillows, and tuck Me in.  She even a few times sat and played softly with My hair as she hummed.  I didn't ask, instruct, or even show her how to do such things.  It was natural for her. 

Again, this is simply My opinion on what I've studied.  I must say that psychology is more an art than a science so there are a varied array of ideas on the topic and everyone will say that their idea is the correct one.   We are talking about the human mind... it's so complex that it cannot be an exact science.   But then, isn't that what makes us amazing?  I believe so yes.

So Jonathan, My dark sweet morsel of divine decadence....  I know you disagree with Me on this matter.  I've come to simply be amazed with you and the workings of your mind the last few days so I won't let the fact you do disagree taint those rose colored glasses I see you through.  So pass Me the white glove, put on your black floods, and let's dance to 'BAD' together -winks and giggles-

Sunday, October 12, 2014

No Way, Am I Really?

 I recently had someone call Me a flirt... answered, "No way, am I really?  I had no idea.  How terrible of Me''. Then laughed My ass off quite literally... lost a whopping 15 pounds (is that a decent amount for an ass to weigh I wonder?). 


Why do I flirt?


I was born knowing how to flirt.  Flirting gives Me energy. It has a certain lift. It’s in My DNA. I flirt with babies, with puppies, with My girlfriends, and with strangers.

Flirtation is My access to the life force. It is a simple, fun way to be at My most powerful, to have My way with people, and to achieve the most fulfilling, enjoyable, spontaneous life possible. Why wouldn't I flirt?

When I flirt...
 I can turn any no into a yes.
 I can beguile the entire world with My enthusiasm.
 I am in a state of My highest glory.
 I look beautiful.
 I'm always having fun. 
 I feel powerful.
 I sense what is right for Myself and others.
 I trusts My instincts.
 I demand the best from Myself and others, knowing that gratification is not only possible, it is My birthright.  

So now that you know why I flirt... you might be asking well then what is flirting?


I define flirtation  as “enjoying Myself in the presence of others.” 

Flirting is not looking for a sexual relationship or a way to attract men and women. It's not like in some old movie where a woman bats her eyelashes and fawns over a guy, telling him all the things she thinks he wants to hear, leading towards some kind of sexual outcome. I don't have much use for people who only tell others what they think that person wants to hear. It's fake. 

Flirting is not all about the other person and making them feel good with no regard for how I feel.

flirtation is all about enjoying  Myself, uplifting someone else is a wonderful by-product of My flirt not the main goal.

Flirting removes many barriers that we create between ourselves and others. It’s like walking into a room and turning on your light and letting everyone else bask in the glow. It is plugging into My power source, and attracting everyone in that room who cares to participate in My happiness to join in.

I believe that happiness and flirtation go together. It’s hard NOT to flirt when you are happy! When I’m happy with Myself, and comfortable within Myself, I reach out more to people, I uplift them, I do anything I can to bring them into their own power and joy…while taking Myself deeper into my own power and joy as well.

Everyone has their own style of flirting.  I Myself use compliments, humor, and awareness. I try to have an awareness about people around Me, sensing when they need to be flirted with. I take so much pleasure in giving someone a compliment and making them smile. In a way it's extremely selfish of Me... I do it because I get pleasure from seeing their pleasure in My company.

Whole-Body Experience


I flirt from the tips of My toes to the top of My head, and everywhere in between. I feel good, and everyone around Me does, too.

Think Mae West, think Julia Roberts’ smile.

Each person flirts in their own, inimitable way. They show their approval of themselves and others in a way that is specific to them. Some tilt the head; some have more direct, eye-to-eye contact; some glance away—none of the how matters.

 It is a matter of loving yourself, enjoying the world around you, and picking someone and letting them have it, full blast.

You can’t flirt from the neck up. If you do fake it, you look a bit like the queen greeting her subjects. 

Pay attention to the person you are talking to, and take the attention off yourself. If you pay attention to the other person, you can mesmerize them. This is integral to the fulfillment of your desires. If you can see where someone is at, you can bring them into your vision.

Most people (especially women) are taught to flirt when they want something from someone. But flirting is not currency. Flirting is an activity that is done for the sheer pleasure of it, not necessarily with any goal in mind. Flirtation with a goal in mind isn’t flirtation, it’s work. Will wonderful things happen to you if you flirt? Absolutely. Will you get many great offers? Absolutely. But that is not the reason to flirt. It is done for the sheer pleasure.

If you've ever been in a room with Me, chatted with Me for any length of time, or known someone else who's known Me, you know I flirt all the time.  A casual fun flirt... it's quite literally an integral part of Me, as are My blue eyes.  My own style of flirting can go anywhere from making the cashier behind the register smile when I've noticed she's had a dreadful day to making that special someone get all hot and bothered in desire for Me.... it's enjoyable to the utmost degree.