Why do I flirt?
I was born knowing how to flirt. Flirting
gives Me energy. It has a certain lift. It’s in My DNA. I flirt with babies,
with puppies, with My girlfriends, and with strangers.
Flirtation is My access to the life force. It is
a simple, fun way to be at My most powerful, to have My way with
people, and to achieve the most fulfilling, enjoyable, spontaneous life
possible. Why wouldn't I flirt?
When I flirt...
I can turn any no into a yes.
I can beguile the entire world with My enthusiasm.
I am in a state of My highest glory.
I look beautiful.
always having fun.
I feel powerful.
I sense what is right for Myself and others.
I trusts My instincts.
I demand the best from Myself and others, knowing that gratification is not only possible, it is My birthright.
So now that you know why I flirt... you might be asking well then what is flirting?
I define flirtation as “enjoying Myself in the presence of others.”
Flirting is not looking for a sexual relationship or a way to attract men and women. It's not like in some old movie where a woman bats her eyelashes and fawns over a guy, telling him all the things she thinks he wants to hear, leading towards some kind of sexual outcome. I don't have much use for people who only tell others what they think that person wants to hear. It's fake.
Flirting is not all about the other person and making them feel good with no regard for how I feel.
flirtation is all about enjoying Myself, uplifting someone else is a wonderful by-product of My flirt not the main goal.
Flirting removes many barriers that we create between ourselves and others. It’s like walking into a room and turning on your light and letting everyone else bask in the glow. It is plugging into My power source, and attracting everyone in that room who cares to participate in My happiness to join in.
I believe that happiness and flirtation go together. It’s hard NOT
to flirt when you are happy! When I’m happy with Myself, and
comfortable within Myself, I reach out more to people, I uplift them, I
do anything I can to bring them into their own power and joy…while
taking Myself deeper into my own power and joy as well.
Whole-Body Experience
I flirt from the tips of My toes to the top of My head, and everywhere in between. I feel good, and everyone around Me does, too.
Think Mae West, think Julia Roberts’ smile.
Each person flirts in their own, inimitable way. They show their approval of themselves and others in a way that is specific to them. Some tilt the head; some have more direct, eye-to-eye contact; some glance away—none of the how matters.
It is a matter of loving yourself, enjoying the world around you, and picking someone and letting them have it, full blast.
You can’t flirt from the neck up. If you do fake it, you look a bit like the queen greeting her subjects.
Pay attention to the person you are talking to, and take the attention off yourself. If you pay attention to the other person, you can mesmerize them. This is integral to the fulfillment of your desires. If you can see where someone is at, you can bring them into your vision.
Most people (especially women) are taught to flirt when they want something from someone. But flirting is not currency. Flirting is an activity that is done for the sheer pleasure of it, not necessarily with any goal in mind. Flirtation with a goal in mind isn’t flirtation, it’s work. Will wonderful things happen to you if you flirt? Absolutely. Will you get many great offers? Absolutely. But that is not the reason to flirt. It is done for the sheer pleasure.
If you've ever been in a room with Me, chatted with Me for any length of time, or known someone else who's known Me, you know I flirt all the time. A casual fun flirt... it's quite literally an integral part of Me, as are My blue eyes. My own style of flirting can go anywhere from making the cashier behind the register smile when I've noticed she's had a dreadful day to making that special someone get all hot and bothered in desire for Me.... it's enjoyable to the utmost degree.
This is a very amazing piece Mistress. It is a very good point You raise about effective flirtation requiring one's mastery of their body language, not just their words. This all has me wondering if charisma and flirtation go hand in hand or if one leads to another....
Thank You for sharing Your views on this Miss Manda! Reading Your blog puts such a big smile on my face and makes my heart beat a bit faster. The best part is that it's all out of my control and it's how my body and mind react to You and Your writings 😘...
b. :)
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