Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Sunday, May 31, 2015


I'm so excited and I just can't hide it...he's about to lose control and I know I like it!!!

  I can express how I am feeling in no better way than to use the words of the Pointer Sisters, just changed a bit -wink-.   I am excited, thrilled, elated, ecstatic, joyous, happy, and every other adjective along those lines. 
   There's this man named bill who sent a message a while back asking why the male submissives leave.  I must have been in a good mood because I answered and polightly engaged in chit chat I might add.  He was sweet, playful, and hyper just like an excited puppy getting attention.  This normally annoys Me but somehow it only adds to the magnetic charm of bill.  His charm, wit, intelligence, and sweetness blend seamlessly with his slight sassy and cockiness. 
      Correspondences became more frequent and then more serious.  I vetted him thoroughly and he passed each step with a fun little touchdown dance simply to entertain Me along the way.  I can't tell you how wonderful that was.  Even in the vetting process he was concerned and concentrated on making sure it was Me who was the focus.  Not his kink, what he needed or wanted, not what he would be but what he could do for Me.  And it wasn't simply words; actions followed every word without fail.  He not only told Me how much serving Me was worth he showed Me.
         I kept how I felt and what I was thinking veiled much of the time, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he made Me smile. I still don't think I've told him quite how honored and excited I am... Well not till this blog post anyway, haha.  It's not all been roses, as with all new puppies he's had a few accidents along the way.  He took correction well and grew both times.  This shows Me that even when things aren't fun he won't flake out or cower away.  He's challenging Me, as a good sub should, to be creative and expand My dominance.  I firmly believe a well balanced Domme learns from Her subs as much as they do Her, quite like a teacher does with their students.

  I am excited!  I adore bill, truly and utterly adore him.  He's a once in a lifetime kinda guy.  Unique in nearly every way he could be.  He's something extraordinary in the world of things I already deem amazing. And what's best... he's all Mine! Mine to train, guide, mold, and design.  Mine to play with, tease, and psychologically torture. Mine to embrace, enlighten, and love.  

My dear sweet sexy bill... I look forward to every new adventure I've got planned for us.  you are a world class, wonderific, fantasmic guy whom I'm proud to now call Mine!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Puppy Search

   I once, long ago, wanted a puppy.  A specific breed.  So I did My research, I looked around, and searched for the perfect breeder.  The breeder was four hours away but I knew that the travel would be worth it... I was gaining a treasure with just the right temperament and characteristics I was looking for. I knew I wanted a male but there were a dozen or so males to choose from.  The coloring didn't matter too much because I knew that the right pup would find Me and I'd find him. 

  After all the planning, puppy proofing, and preparing I drove the four hours and wound up at this small little house in the country.  As soon as I walked into the house I could hear all the puppies playing.   We went into their 'pen' and I sat down.  All the puppies stumbled over each other and Me as they played, sought attention, and nuzzled into Me.  It was a beautiful experience.  

  It was more difficult to choose than I had thought.  I kept picking them up, playing with them, snuggling them, and observing their behavior. After about twenty minutes I had three I'd absolutely come to adore.  While I was playing with them trying to decide a much younger pup (only two weeks younger but if you know dogs 8 weeks is much different than 10 weeks old) ran into the area, climbed up My lap, yapped twice at Me, and laid down like he belonged there.  I asked the breeder about him and she proceeded to tell Me that he was from a litter they'd not put up because the father was a mutt down the road...  He wasn't ready, wasn't the full breed I'd wanted, nor what I'd expected when I first saw him come into the room but in all of two minutes this little pup had completely stolen My heart.  

   I made arrangements, paid full price (cause the lady didn't want to sell him originally), and set back home without a pup.   I knew the two weeks I'd wait would be torture but well worth every minute.  And sure enough they were.  I went back two weeks later.  I picked up the pup who again yapped at Me twice as if just to let Me know he was there, climbed in My lap, and curled up like he had finally found home.  

    Searching for a submissive is much the same type of experience.  It's difficult because there are so many good men and women who truly have a heart to submit.... I've met many many of you and had the privilege to talk to many more.  Just because someone is a good submissive though doesn't mean they are right for Me.   I wish I could give you all a home... take you all and make you feel loved, useful, and give you the home you need. The freedom in service that you seek.  I can't though, it wouldn't be fair to any of you nor to My family.  So when searching I must be very particular and scrutinize everything.  I don't do this to be harsh or critical of anyone but to not waste the time of Myself or anyone I would show interest in.  Time is precious after all.   
     At last though... I believe My search is over.  I'm excited to introduce to you a very amazing man...

Friday, May 29, 2015

Social Media Pros and Cons...

  This is a topic I've been dealing with the last week or so.  Well, in truth I have always dealt with it.  I am a social media freak, I have to be, but more than that I truly enjoy it.  I have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, Kik, Tumbler, Youtube channel, and so much more.... I do most of My shopping online through Criagslist, Amazon, and Google shopping.   Actually I am the Google queen... everything I do goes through some sort of Google app... email, shopping, blogging.  Haha I even use it for T.V.  We have this ChromeCast thing we use (don't have cable).  
   I like My tech and I love social media.  It's how I stay connected to people in ways I never could before.  Family and friends get to know what's going on where they normally wouldn't.  Grandma gets to see her grandson grow up through pictures on FB, FaceTime on the phone, and little emailed notes even though she's hundreds of miles away.  I can casually shop for things I know I will like for the house, the children, or Myself (especially those things you don't want your neigbors seeing you bring in the front door -wink wink-).   I get to be creative in a way that allows My thoughts and heart flow out in written word and others like you yourself get to read it, hopefully relate, and maybe learn at something at times.  
   Without social media I would have most likely been one of those insane stepford stay home gone insane and jumped off a short tree type moms.... yes short tree as in crazy enough to think the short fall would even do anything.  Haha.  For years I was seemingly trapped within My own house raising My children.  I didn't work outside the home and to interact with other adults I would resort to social media.  One such thing was a virtual chat server called IMVU.  It's this amazing place where you create a 'toon' that looks anyway you want it to.  You can go to different rooms (much like chat rooms) and everyone else has their toons there and you can interact.  A wonderful world of roleplay and fun.   I've met many amazing people there over the years and even gained some family along the way (who are family now in real life).  I met My brenda there :)   I sadly don't get on much now but do when I can.
     However, I've found there is a downfall for Me with the social media as well.  I am a very opinionated and open woman.  Everyone I know knows I'm bisexual and most know I'm into some weird shit (aka BDSM).  The extent that I'm involved they don't but I don't hold back who I am from the world.... As stated in the privacy vs. secrecy blog, I got tired of hiding in fear.  I am who I am and as long as I'm not harming anyone (which I don't ever do) then why live in fear?   So I'm not your normal sister suburban woman... but let me tell you a little secret or two.  That normal sister sally suburbanite DESPERATELY doesn't want to be that either... she's just adhering to the social standards she believes to be in place.  And furthermore there is really no such thing as 'normal'  There just isn't.  
      So saying that, if you could all see My FB you'd see that I've been in a number of long debated discussions with family and strangers over things like what I do.  Mostly because much of My family are legalistic Bible believing 'super chrisitians'.... I love them but their judgement in whether I am a good person or mother because I involve Myself with certain things completely aggravates Me and even hurts a bit.   
       I also like to show affection and attention in social media... which isn't always a good thing I suppose but it's who I am.  I will often write on brenda's FB wall that I love her or send her pics of something I think she will like.... I do more than often with Rob and the kids.... I'm not an overly mushy person, well not often anyway.  But when I do I go all out.  I don't like to hide My feelings.  Life is too short not to show those I love that I do love them in every way I can.
      Now, again privacy comes into play.  I obviously don't call anyone else out on their beliefs and lifestyle... that's a personal matter.  I would never post on brenda's FB wall 'Hey love, how's My sweet little slut today?'  or something... I'd never 'out' her like that.  I would never with anyone.  Now, I do have a few friends who are very open about their submission or Dominance in their FB or other social media and them I will openly discuss and post things on the topics.  
      There is a line though that I've come to this week that I'm not sure I'm willing to cross or more accurately willing to not cross.   I know this sweet girl who hasn't even come out that she's a lesbian or bisexual... not to anyone.  She asked to be My friend on FB but specifically asked Me never to post anything affectionate or anything on her wall.... it's ok to like things and that's about it.  I understand and respect her privacy so I would never do anything against that.  I personally feel a bit jilted though not even being able to comment or anything... like the entirety of Me is being hidden completely.  The BDSM is private and I understand that but I am no secret.... and loving Me should never be a secret.  
       What do you think?  Am I overreacting?  How do you feel about social media and our world?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Submissive vs. Slave Revisited

     I've had a conversation recently with young bill about the difference in a submissive and slave.   It's such a blurred line in many circles that many who have been in the lifestyle for longer than I have are even confused at times.  I've blogged about this before but I feel the need to revisit the topic for that reason.  

A slave differs from a submissive in pretty significant ways.  Let's look at a few today, shall we?!

    The word 'submissive' can mean to an individual practically anything they want it to mean.  There is a wide spectrum a submissive may fall in... At one end is one who submits very little or only in scene-delimited context; at the other, one who submits as a constant in a lifestyle context and is very controlled, and everyone else falls somewhere in between. They make the decision to submit every day in every instance.  They have power to stop, to say no to something they don't want to participate in or be privy to. 

     The word 'slave' however doesn't have such a wide range in meaning like many think it does.  The slave doesn't have the option to submit in an instance by instance manner but rather they submit once to their Owner and then are required simply to obey. It's a big mistake when people assume that a slave is simply another point on the submissive spectrum. A slave is not an ubber-sub, someone more submissive than the "ordinary" submissive. For that matter, a slave may not even be submissive at all. Slavery is not about submission or submissive behaviors. It is about obedience.

      Slavery hinges on a commitment to obedience. When a Dominant orders an issue the slave doesn't revisit 'should I submit?', 'how do i feel about that?', or 'will I say yes or no?'.  Much like a soldier in the Army they simply obey.  There is no room for questions or hesitation.  If a soldier said no to an order given he'd be putting himself in a very dreadful situation with dire consequences.  (I've often heard the M/s described much like a military type of dynamic. The military cannot function if command authority is questioned, and neither can a Master/slave relationship.).  For the slave a 'no' is likely to derail the entire dynamic and might very possibly result in termination.

     Not only do slaves give a high degree of obedience they also give themselves over to the control of another as much as humanly possible; in essence they are contextually 'property' in their dynamic.  While both submissive and slave are often referred to fondly as property, in the sense of consensual slavery, the slave becomes actual property of the Owner.

    Submissives and slaves are as different as oil and vinegar in the BDSM realm.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

They Laughed Together.

   Manda walked back to her own personal sitting room and began to playfully fan herself.  'Good gracious this one will be a bit tough for me... not giving into the whole celebrity thing... he is one fine ass man... '  She giggled like a school girl as Brenda sat beside her.   'He is beautiful for a man, Mistress, that is for sure!'' At this Manda giggled harder.   'That he is My love, that he is'.    

 Just then Bonnie and Bill peeked their heads around the door frame as if asking for permission to enter.  'Come come you two... we have a few minutes.'  
   'Oh gosh, did you see him drool over you Miss?  Was I ever like that?' Bill asked with a goofy grin.   'Bill, you are STILL like that, you dork' remarked Brenda as she burst into laughter.  
  'I think we all are!' Bonnie chimed in with her own laughter.

   Manda laughed with them but inside she reminded herself how blessed she was to have such wonderful and amazing people to serve her in their individual way.  Not a day went by that she wasn't grateful for each of them and what they meant to her.  Three very different people who loved her in three very different ways.  She loved them each in turn deeply.  Giving herself to them in ways she would never give to anyone else... not even the handsome hunk of meat waiting for her in the next room...  
  She pulled them all into a big group hug and kissed each cheek as she stood. 'I love you three like no one else could.  You give me such joy every day of our lives.  Tonight I will treat you all to some fun but right now let's get to work.  Bill... be sure to flirt with him, I want to see his reaction.   Brenda, sensual soft touches to My legs and arms as I talk to him.   And Bonnie, pop into the room here and there just so I can see your lovely smile and wink at you.'  She knew she didn't have to tell them any of these orders, they had been together so long that each of them knew what she wanted almost before she did but she liked to do it anyway for her own sake.  As each of them filed out of the room she would slap their ass playfully.   Watching them a moment she grinned wider than she had in a while... they had just made her realize again how wonderful they were and how amazing she herself felt when they were around.

   Adjusting her skirt she walked back to the door and winked at Brenda, That was the signal that she was to open the door.  The door opened slowly so that Manda was in full view of the now barely naked and kneeling Wentworth.  His head lifted, his eyes transfixed... She knew this was going to be fun!

Chateau de Joy

   I had a dream last night, a beautiful and wonderful dream... this is how it went.

    'Miss Manda, Miss Manda... he's here!'  The young girl giggled as she hopped from behind the desk to embrace the tall dark haired woman.  'Do you think he's as dreamy as he is in T.V.?'  

    Miss Manda chuckles softly returning her hug and kissing the top of the short little woman's head.  'He's just a man darling, famous or not, we treat him like all other students.... '  in a more hushed tone she finished, 'but yes, I met with him last week and he's ultra dreamy, darling!'  A gaggle of giggles suddenly erupted from the handful of people scattered across the room.  'Hush now everyone and back to work.'  Miss Manda said as she swatted the girl's ass and stepped to the door opening it for the gent that was just walking in.
    'Welcome to the Chateau de Joy Wentworth, I expect your time with us will prove most enlightening.'  She shakes his hand, holding back her own awe of the man before her to be professional. 'This is the staff here today who will be assisting us...' she points out each person as she introduces them, '  At the desk is Bonnie, chipper little thing she is.  She will be handling all your appointments from here on out.  There is Bill over there preparing us snacks.  He will be sure that you and I are well hydrated and taken care of.  Oh and here is Brenda, My personal assistant and slave... she is at My side at all times.'  
      Wentworth nodded to each of them politely as Manda introduced them.  Hoping his nerves didn't show too much he motioned in the direction of the man who was standing in the corner with a tall cone on his head. 'And him?'
     'Oh pay him no mind, that is simply Pete. He is useless to Me today so he will stand there, thinking about the tremendous loss he has because he displeased Me greatly.... this way please'  Her heals clacked along the hardwood floor lightly as she walked into her office.  Silence enveloping the room as her shoes hit the lush cream carpet.   A giggle from Bonnie startled the man from his frozen state watching Manda and he hurriedly followed her into the office.
    Manda heard Bill chuckle and lean over talking to Bonnie in hushed tones as Brenda closed the office door behind her standing at it to not be in the way but be close should Manda need her.

  'Are you alright, dear?'  She asks as she slides into her brown leather seat behind the ornate desk. 'Having any reservations about this?'  She slips her heels off slowly, bringing her feet up to the desk.  Careful not to present herself unladylike yet never passing up a chance to tease or seduce she bit her lip softly knowing her long tone legs held his gaze and attention.  She'd be surprised if he could even answer the question at all truthfully.  She snapped her finger and instantly Brenda was there kneeling beside the desk and rubbing Manda's feet just as she liked.
      'Oh, yes yes I'm quite fine of course.  My only reservation is as we talked about... the public finding out.'  His gaze shifted between Manda's penetrating blue eyes and the silent woman delicately giving attention to her feet and calves.  'I want that, I need that, I need to be a servant and you are the one who can teach me how.'   His eyes settled again on hers as his next words escaped his lips. 'I've done my research, I've looked around, asked questions, and you have been the one who I keep coming back to.  You have a reputation for being the best and this school being solid.  I wouldn't waste my time nor yours if I wasn't sure this was for me.'
        With a sly grin Manda pulled her feet from the desk, stood, and walked over to him.  Standing there she looked down, her eyes holding his captive as she slid her toe along the top of his chair just under his groin.  Holding out her hand with a slight smirk as she heard the gulp he gave to the action she waited for Brenda to hand her the contract and pen.   Once in her hand she held it out to Wentworth.   'I will leave you in this room for fifteen minutes.  In this time I expect you to look over the contract once again and sign it.  After you sign it I want you to strip down to your boxer-briefs... ' Here she paused a moment to hold in a light laugh, knowing she had him right where she wanted him. 'Then kneel facing the door, hands in your lap and the contract signed beside you on the floor, pen on the contract.'  With that she patted his cheek, turned, and walked out the door not even glancing back.  Brenda followed her closing the door behind them.

      Wentworth stared at the closed door before noticing she'd left her heels on the desk.  He quickly stood, grabbed one and slowly inhaled the fragrance her foot had left behind.  Closing his eyes but a moment to enjoy the intimate nearness he'd just experienced before he did as instructed and waited... waiting for his training to begin.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sweet and Sour

   A woman sent me a message two days ago begging to serve Me.  Her message read 'You are beautiful may I PLEASE PLEASE serve you?  Now, I get them all the time from men so that doesn't shock Me anymore but rarely do I get them from women.   Not in this manner anyway.  When I replied 'Awe thank you for the compliment but why do you want to serve Me?'  her only answer was 'You're beautiful'.

  Hold on one moment... let Me just go roll My eyes and gag.   

   I'm going to let you in on a little secret or two so listen up My lovelies (yes you, you who are reading this blog, you are My lovely).   

  1.  I do appreciate compliments on looks, who doesn't... but I have been blessed with these looks, I didn't  give them to Myself so remember that when sending compliments.  In truth, while I enjoy compliments on my physical person you will get much much further if you compliment something I CAN take credit for.

  2.  If ANYONE says they want to serve Me based on looks alone they are promptly told that it is a shallow reason to serve and they have come to the wrong place.  I want to earn your submission with My wit, dedication, chemistry, and communication... otherwise it's not satisfying for Me.

  3. I will be polite and sweet for as long as I can.  It's how I grew up, it's that southern hospitality in Me.   However, there is a point when after the second time of trying to be polite that I will simply say it like it is and not even flinch.   I am sweet but hunni, don't push it cause you will NOT like the sour you get.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Before Trashing it...

This is a copy of the contract I had written up to be signed last Saturday.... Before I delete it I thought I'd post it for you all to see.  It shows a bit of what I had been looking for in a sub (male and female).  While I am a complete goofball I take leading someone in a D/s very serious.  I know many don't use contracts but I like them.  It's a good way to re-evaluate and asses the relationship every few months... to make sure you're both going in the direction you want to be.  Introspection is always good!!   I hope you enjoy :) 


Upon signing, this is a binding contract between the Dominant and the submissive.


1.1.1. This contract will be in effect for 3 months, unless other terms are agreed upon later.
1.1.2. This contract can be extended at any time, with consent from both parties.
1.1.3. Alterations can be made to this contract, in respect to the terms set forth in SUBSECTION 1.4 and SECTION 2.
1.1.4. The parties enter into this contract on the signed date, fully aware of its nature, and undertake to abide by its conditions, without exception.

1.2.1. The Dominant and submissive agree that anything discussed, or acted upon; in regards to this contract will be consensual and confidential.
1.2.2. The list of hard and soft limits (SECTION 3) will be strictly adhered to, unless otherwise discussed.
1.2.3. If needed, the following Safewords should be used: RED: This word is to be used when the submissive is beyond his level of endurance, and wants to stop everything immediately. YELLOW: This word is to be used when the submissive is close to his limit of endurance, but does not want to cease all activity.
1.2.4. The submissive will not be punished, in any way, for using the Safewords.

1.3.1. The submissive will make himself available to the Dominant at all times.
1.3.2. The submissive must ask permission to do anything that might infarct on the time of the Dominant.
1.3.3. The Dominant will respect the work, sleep hours, workout hours, and important family obligations of the submissive.
1.3.4. The Dominant may release the submissive from Her service at any time. The submissive may request his release at any time, and the request will be granted at the discretion of the Dominant.
1.3.5. The terms of this contract are in effect whether we are at home or in public.

1.4.1. When the submissive is talking to the Dominant, he must remember his role. 1.4.2. If the submissive needs to express his feelings in a way that is not within his role, or would like to discuss terms related to the contract, he will do so via email.
1.4.3. The submissive will strive to write a journal each day, whether mundane or extraordinary. The lack of a journal entry should be explained to the Dominant within the following day, and She will decide on the validity of the reason and if there will be discipline or additional tasks as a result. Journal entries should include things he wants to work on regarding his submissive duties, things he is thankful for, and his current feelings in regards to his servitude and his Dominant.



2.1.1. EXPECTATIONS The Dominant will never request the submissive to participate in activities that are deemed dangerous, or that are mentioned in SECTION 3. The Dominant will provide a safe environment for the submissive. The Dominant is to provide the submissive with all necessary training, guidance, and materials to properly serve the Dominant. The reason behind training will be explained to the submissive unless the Dominant has reasons to not do so. Unless previously discussed, no permanent marks will be left on the submissive during punishment, and there will be no injuries that require medical attention. The Dominant will maintain Her own health and hygiene, in an acceptable manner. The Dominant will not loan Her submissive to another Dominant.

 2.1.2. RIGHTS The Dominant accepts the submissive as Her own, to control, dominate, train, discipline, and correct during the term stated in 1.1. The Dominant has the right to use the submissive’s body at any time, in any matter She sees fit, sexually or otherwise. The Dominant may discipline or correct the submissive at any time, to ensure that the submissive fully appreciates his role of subservience, and to discourage unacceptable conduct. The Dominant shall explain the reason for discipline and offer the submissive the opportunity to ask clarifying questions before the discipline/correction is administered


2.2.1. EXPECTATIONS The submissive accepts the Dominant as his master, with the understanding that he is now property of the Dominant. He will remember his role in regard to the Dominant at all times. The submissive shall obey the rules set forth in this contract. The submissive shall serve the Dominant in any way, and shall endeavor to please the Dominant at all times, to the best of his ability. The submissive is to obey the Dominant in all things. Subject to the terms and limitations in this contract, the submissive shall offer the Dominant any pleasures She requires, and will accept Her training and guidance in whatever form it may take. The submissive will conduct himself in a respectful and modest manner. The submissive will not enter into any sexual relations with anyone other than the Dominant. The submissive shall be held accountable for any wrongdoings when not in the presence of the Dominant. The submissive will not act or speak in a demeaning way to the Dominant, Her husband,or Her children. GENERAL The submissive will not touch the Dominant in a sexual manner without asking for permission. The submissive will meditate for 10 minutes every day in the specific manner that pleases the Dominant. SLEEP The submissive will make every effort to get a decent amount of sleep, being in bed in a timely manner. The submissive will work out on a regular basis following the Dominant’s recommendations or direction. submissive will make every effort possible to be easy to wake up, and not be rude when he does. submissive will snuggle the Dominant every night, play with Her hair, and massage Her as She sees fit. DIET The submissive is not allowed to drink alcohol in excess of one drink per day, or use any substance, without first acquiring permission from the Dominant. When in the presence of the Dominant the submissive must first acquire permission before having any drink. CLOTHING Each day, the submissive will choose his clothing and get them approved by the Dominant. He will photo what he plans on wearing both at bedtime and in the morning to get it approved. If the Dominant doesn’t reply within 5 minutes it’s to be assumed approved. HYGIENE/BEAUTY The submissive must shower at least every day. The submissive must keep the hair on his genital regions trimmed neatly. The submissive will request permission before drastically altering his facial hair. The submissive will not drastically alter his appearance in any way (hair cuts, tattoos, etc.) without permission from the Dominant. HEALTH The submissive shall maintain his good health, shall seek medical attention when needed, and keep the Dominant informed of any health issues (mental or physical) that may arise. HOUSEHOLD submissive will keep his home presentable and ready for the Dominant as if She were living with him. The submissive will paint the Dominant's toenails, at request. The submissive will make dinner for the Dominant and whomever else She desires at any time, and prepare the menu She desires The Dominant shall have privileges to stay at the submissives house at any time for any duration unless that time has previously been designated unavailable, at which time the Dominant may request explanation. SEX The submissive shall not pleasure himself sexually, without asking permission from the Dominant. If the submissive does not receive a response from the Dominant within 10 minutes of a request, permission is assumed not granted. His cock, balls, ass, and nipples are her toys and he must not touch them sexually without direct permission.

3.1. The submissive shall accept floggings, spankings, paddling, or any other discipline administered, without hesitation, inquiry, or complaint.
3.2. The Dominant may restrain the submissive at any time, for any reason, and any length of time, if in accordance with sections 1.2 and 4..
3.3. The submissive will not look into the eyes of the Dominant during punishment, unless requested.



4.1.1. HARD LIMITS: Sissification, Scat, Age play, Children, Animals, Lactation, Rape play, Diapers, Tickle Torture, Male Supremacy, Gorean, Race Play, Breeding.
4.1.2. SOFT LIMITS: There are no soft limits to list.


4.2.1. HARD LIMITS: Public humiliation, knife play, fire play, needle play, scat play, exposure of my submissiveness in public unless previously agreed upon, animals, kids, permanent or semi-permanent marks, intentional infliction of significant pain…
4.2.2. SOFT LIMITS: CBT, electrical play, sexual activities with another male, golden showers


5.1.1. To maintain open and honest communication.
5.1.2. To provide the submissive with any and all tools and reference material he needs to fulfill his goals as a submissive.
5.1.3. To create an open and comfortable environment where the submissive feels safe and has the opportunity to ask questions without judgement.
5.1.4. To aid the submissive in creating a positive self-image.

5.2.1. To strive to overcome feelings of guilt or shame, and all inhibitions that interfere with the submissive’s ability to serve the Dominant, and limit the submissive’s growth as a submissive.
5.2.2. To maintain open and honest communication, and reveal my thoughts, feelings, and desires without hesitation or embarrassment.
5.2.3. To strive towards maintenance of a positive self-image and development of realistic goals.
5.2.4. To work with the Dominant to become a happy and self-fulfilled individual.
5.2.5. To work against any negative aspects of my ego and my insecurities that would interfere with advancement of these goals.

6.1. This agreement shall serve as the basis for an extension of our relationship, committed to in the spirit of loving and consensual Dominance and submission with the intent of furthering self-awareness and exploration, promoting health and happiness, and improving both our lives.

6.2. We both understand that cancellation of this contract means a cessation of the control stated and implied within this agreement. Upon cancellation, each of us agrees to offer the other his or Her reasons, and to assess our new needs and situation openly and lovingly. I, ________________________, with a free mind and an open heart, do request of_______________________ that She accepts the submission of my will unto Her and to take me into Her care and guidance, which we may grow together in love, trust and mutual respect. The satisfaction of Her wants, desires, and whims are consistent with my desire as a submissive to be found pleasing to Her.

To that end, I offer her use of my time, talents, and abilities. Further, I ask, in sincere humility, that, as my Domme, She accept the keeping of my body for the fulfillment and enhancement of our sexual, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs. To achieve this, She may have unfettered use of me any time, any place, in front of anyone, as She will determine. I request of _______________________, as my Domme, that She use the power vested in Her role, to mold and shape me, assisting me to grow in strength, character, confidence, and being, and that She continue to help me to develop my artistic and intellectual abilities, and my abilities to serve Her. This I, _______________________, do entreat, with lucidity and the realization of what this means, both stated and implied, in the conviction that this offer will be understood in the spirit of faith, caring, esteem and devotion in which it is given.


The submissive /Date

The Dominant /Date 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

White Gown but No Groom

I'm truly flabbergasted at the turn of events the last few hours.  You would think by now that I'd be used to the proverbial 'other shoe dropping'.  You'd think I would know that when something 'seems too good to be true' it really is. You'd think that I'd understand not to allow myself to get excited.  Ha... You'd think anyway.

Well, I didn't.  I am not a pushover nor am I naive but I do see the good in people and trust maybe a bit too much that they are adults and know what they want as much as I do.  I refuse to be jaded and bitter, in truth I can't be... I'm too optimistic for that. Lol.

I'd planned on meeting this guy and signing a contract with him over lunch today. For the last few months we have  been casually chatting. The last week or so going over a contract line by line. He is a pretty amazing guy.  Pete.  I'd hoped to write about him introducing him to you today as Mine... Well that was the plan anyway.  Who said what about the best laid plans going awry???? I understand that sentiment today more than I care to.  

Excuse me today while I reasses whats transpired, stuff my face with pizza and a chocolate bar, have a good cry, and go for a long walk.  I'll be back tomorrow with what I hope to be either a silly 'moment of insanity' to which all is forgiven and water under the bridge... Or at least my jaw off the floor and gut back in place.   At the moment though, this Mistress feels like a bride left at the alter.... 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Size Doesn't Matter

     Being healthy has always been a priority for me.  I enjoy life and adventure so I try to stay fit to do what I want.  Not that I've been in super model or professional athlete form since my early 20's, I do, however, like to play flag football (that always turns into touch somehow), volleyball, hike, and various other adventurous things that require my physical endurance to be a healthy one -wink wink-  

The last few months of fog consumed this about myself as well and I've gained a little pudge (which I don't mind too much)  but it's made my heart and lungs weaker than I like.... as evident in an unexpected fun tryst where I had to stop and rest a minute because my heart felt like it was going to explode and then my body ached the next day... tsk tsk tsk on Me.

     So three weeks ago I began to work out and eat healthy again. Not because I believe beauty is some number on the scale or the label of the clothing I wear but I want to be healthy.  I want to be able to do the things I love... play with the children, enjoy a long walk down a wooded trail, and run to clear my head.
      I can't go to the gym, or well won't go, just yet so I've been getting the assistance of YouTube and some fun work out videos. It's been fun and entertaining to boot... some of these videos are hilarious and some a hoot! I also use 'My fitness Pal'.  It's what I've used for years and years.  it helps me track the calorie intake and the exercise I do.  It also prompts me to drink enough water and breaks down the calories into categories so I don't waste them on food that isn't benefiting my body.  I love it.  There's even a little motivator in it that tells you how well you did and calculates what you will weigh in 5 weeks if every day was like that day.  Haha yes, this electronically driven gal even uses her cell phone to get healthy.  

 The thing is, yes I've gained some weight and my clothes are all a bit too tight (ok really tight. lol) but I don't feel ugly.  I don't look at myself in the mirror and say 'Manda, old gal, you are fucking fat'.  Hell no. I still look at myself in the mirror and grin while I think 'you go girl'.  Am I conceited no.  Confident though you bet your sexy ass!    

   Beauty isn't a number, it's not a size.  I can honestly say I would not look good as a size 2... I'd look sick.   Beauty isn't a number of pounds.  Beauty is something that comes from within.  I know it sounds cliche'd but it's true.

   I don't do this to be vain or to gain/lose a view. I do this to prove that beauty isn't a size.  Beauty is being confident in who you are. This might not be your cup of tea but that's ok...
 I'm all Me!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Privacy Not Secrecy

  To look up the definition of the two words private and secret there isn't much of a distinction to be found in them.

private : not known by the public or by other people
secret : keeping information hidden from others

   However, in psychology there is a clear line of difference. Privacy is something you'd withhold from public view.  Traits such as truths, beliefs, and ideas about ourselves that we keep to ourselves are considered private. They might include our fantasies and daydreams, what we do in the bedroom, and even spiritual beliefs. Secrecy is hiding things--going beyond what is merely private. Secrets are those things that  potentially have a negative impact on someone else-emotionally, physically, or financially and most often stem from fear.  Secrets often have some sort of shame attached to them where being private doesn't.  People may keep things private for all sorts of reasons but they keep things secret out of fear or shame of what others will think if they found out.  

private: I like to be in control in bed.
secret: I had a DUI last week.

      I live a private life not a secret one.  That has both been amazingly liberating and tragically saddening.   I didn't always live this way, for a long time I too lived a secret life.  It's only been in the last six years that I've decided to not be 'secret' anymore.   I was tired of living in fear and shame.  I used to hide that I liked control, no craved it.  I tried even, for a period of time, to neglect it and live as the 'meek humble woman' many thought I should be...  those years were some of the hardest I've ever lived.  How can we deny who we are? 

     I knew, that when I stepped out of the fear and took control of my own life I would have losses.  I weighed it carefully for a long time but in the end I knew I could no longer live for anyone else but myself.  (My children obviously as well but that goes without saying)  I did, I lost many family members, most friends, and any stability I'd built up.  Starting over is never easy but 'coming out' while doing it is insane.   Hey, that's me though... dive in the deep end, sink or swim, giving it my all!

      Every day that passed I became stronger, wiser, and more free than I'd ever been.  The pain of loss never goes away but the strength of freedom and joy outweighs it.   Now, six years out I look back and cringe at the cowardice I had not to do it sooner.  Today I live a private life.  I don't hide who I am from those who are close. I am free to be who I am and loved for it.  I don't obviously share everything with everyone, I am a private person but I no longer live some secret life in shame or fear.  


Monday, May 18, 2015


   It's that time of year, the dreaded spring sinuses.  Every time the weather drastically changes (every season change) I get a sinus cold that often turns into a sinus infection.  It creeps up as I fight it for days like a large cat waiting to pounce.  Then suddenly, one morning I wake up and BAM, it's full force.  This morning was that morning.  My head is in an ever tightening vice, my nose has been clogged, and my throat has been filled with dry Brillo pads.  :(. 

   Sudafed, a netti pot, and alkaseltzer usually help take the edge off after a few days but this initial takeover by the sinus bug always knocks me down a day or two.  So I'm home, on the sofa, trying to recoup. This is one of those times I truly miss having one to serve me here in person.  I'm not generally a needy person but when I don't feel good I very much can be.  I want to be pampered, coddled, and cared for.... :(

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Story by Bill page 4

    He rushed into the grocery store, limping like a fool in his high heels. His hair still wet. Everyone looking at him like he was nuts. The embarrassment was intense. As he was working through a list of things he’d committed to memory on the way to the store he stopped in front of a mirror. He just stared at himself for a moment… and then started laughing hysterically. It felt great. Look at this poor sap in the mirror, wet, cold, wearing high heels, and all for a beautiful, incredible, one of a kind woman who was comfortably sleeping in her bed. Was it worth it? Is that a rhetorical question? He laughed and continued his shopping with a smile. She had given him his joy back, his purpose.

     An hour and a half later his hair was dry, his body was warm, and the kitchen smelled amazing. He knew he didn’t need to wake Mistress today. The delightful array of food would surely wake her. Bacon, toast, french toast, pancakes, eggs over easy, eggs over hard, scrambled eggs, round sausage, sausage links, yogurt, orange juice, coffee. He had done it, he made a truly amazing breakfast. He saw Miss Manda approaching and prepared her cup of coffee. He knew her morning routine on weekends was to enjoy a quick cup of coffee before calling in the kids. Oh no! The food would be cold! Oh he forgot the timing! Miss Manda sat
down at the table and the servant’s hand carefully placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of her. She looked at her worm, his eyes facing the floor. “Normally I have a cup of coffee before I call the kids in.” That’s all she said. His heart sank, has he lost her? Has he failed Mistress? “KIDS, BREAKFAST!” She eyed the pest again, “Don’t just stand there like a fool, prepare their
plates, fill their cups, you know where they sit and what they like to eat.” Bill did as instructed and as he was finishing up the kids made their way in. Per protocol, he stood at the corner of the table, 4 feet away, and anticipated anyone’s needs. The children were not to tell Bill what to do, but they were aware he would fill their glasses and ask if they needed any more of one thing or another. He was a good at “helping mom”. As each child finished up and started to leave Bill
picked up their plates and put them in the sink. He was not to begin washing until everyone had finished their meals and left the table, as it would be a distraction from their meal and conversation. After everyone left, Mistress’s water was filled once more and she glared at her slave. “Which shoes did you wear?” Without missing a beat he replied “The high heels.” She was relieved, but she didn’t show it. “You’ll shovel some driveways to replace those. After you finish cleaning the kitchen you may vacuum the cars. Report to me when you’ve finished.” The slave was astonished. The heels were left there intentionally….. this was all planned. What an incredible, genius Mistress! What a lucky submissive he was!

     After the cars, he cleaned the entire bathroom with a single small sponge. He needed to pick things off of it and squeeze dirty water out of it in order to clean the whole bathroom. It was very clear she wanted him to get his hands dirty. Next, he ran two miles on the treadmill while she sat in a chair with a cup of fresh lemonade he prepared, after thoroughly washing his hands with cold water and dish soap. She sat behind him so she could smile out of his vision. What a
pathetic little worm, what a perfect servant. After two miles were ran she said it was time for him to eat. He followed her to the kitchen. He was allotted one cup of water and a green pepper, to be eaten in 3 minutes while standing. He was starving, but knew better than to ever question his rations. Mistress knew what she was doing and would not allow him to be sick because of her.

     After the cars, he cleaned the entire bathroom with a single small sponge. He needed to pick things off of it and squeeze dirty water out of it in order to clean the whole bathroom. It was very clear she wanted him to get his hands dirty. Next, he ran two miles on the treadmill while she sat in a chair with a cup of fresh lemonade he prepared, after thoroughly washing his hands with cold water and dish soap. She sat behind him so she could smile out of his vision. What a
pathetic little worm, what a perfect servant. After two miles were ran she said it was time for him to eat. He followed her to the kitchen. He was allotted one cup of water and a green pepper, to be eaten in 3 minutes while standing. He was starving, but knew better than to ever question his rations. Mistress knew what she was doing and would not allow him to be sick because of her.

     Another “relaxing” cold shower. He stepped out shivering, gasping for warm air. After drying itself off the nuisance carefully approached Mistress’s room. One knock, always knock the door once and wait for a response. She had taught the peasant to knock loud because it was once and only once that he was allowed to knock. She had a half hour remaining on her Doctor Who episode and did not want to be interrupted. The slave stood outside her door for a half hour while the Mistress relaxed in bed. “You may come in now.” He carefully opened the
door and walked in anxiously. “Light some candles and turn on my music.” He obeyed. “You will give me a massage now. Start at my feet and work your way up to my neck. Use my favorite lotion.” There were 5 lotions, he chose the correct one. She smiled inside. Her servant proceeded to give her the best massage of her life. She started to drift off once he got to her back. She let out a small moan of comfort. And then…. the disruption. The fool spoke.
“Mistress, permission to speak?” He continued to massage. She waited a few minutes until the small twinge of anger faded and the curiosity became unbearable. “You may speak.” After a moment of silence, the slave responded with a trembling voice “Thank you.”. She put her head in her pillow to hide the smile that overtook her face. ~It worked! I own him. I love him.~

    Fifteen minutes later Miss Manda looked up at her toy, her slave, her wonderful,
irreplaceable property. “Don’t stop.” He knew she was referring to the massage, and he didn’t stop. She drifted off shortly after issuing her final order for the night. She awoke at 3 am to her submissive rubbing her calf. Ohhh he looked so tired. She couldn’t help but feel bad, but there was one more test. She gently grabbed his hand to signal that he could stop. She looked at him, “Eye contact is allowed now…” he looked at her deep, thoughtful eyes, in awe of her beauty, before she asked him the only question she needed to, to know if he had learned hislesson.

“Why do you want to serve me?”
“You complete me.”

Is it selfish to fulfill another person’s needs? Dommes are more generous than most could possibly understand.

Story by Bill page 3

     The wonderful scent of Mistress’s soap was emanating from the bathroom when she made a hushed call to her servant “come on in my darling”. Bill walked into Manda’s room, jazz playing, candles lit, and Manda in all her beauty laying on the bed. She smelled and looked amazing. She made eye contact will Bill for a moment and said “I’ll have oral tonight.” She motioned toward the blanket rested between her legs. Bill, in a complete trance walked over to her, mouth salivating and cock throbbing. He dropped to his knees, not a slow controlled descent, a flat drop straight to his knees. Manda slowly moved the blanket to reveal her perfect
vagina. With its perfect folds, succulent clitoris, delicious scent and indescribable flavor, it was addictive, more addictive than anything Bill had ever experienced. He started in strong, licking from bottom to top and top to bottom, applying extra pressure at each pass of the clitoris. He was giving it everything he had, used every trick he knew, and in 15 minutes time only one small moan escaped her mouth. She stopped him shortly after 15 minutes of trying to make her cum,
“Ahh that was really nice, thank you!.” She pulled the covers back onto herself and rolled over, smiling like a fool, a fool that had just found a gold mine. “Wait for it…” she thought. After a minute she heard it. She heard Bill clear his nose, she heard him wiping his face. “You may go now slave.”

Mistress… permission to speak? Please?”
“Always, darling. You may always express yourself.” At this point nothing could confuse him any further.
“Why wont you let me serve you?”
“Hmmmm thought you needed a break, maybe a really long break.”
“What did I do??”
“It’s what you didn’t do Bill. It’s what you failed to do as you had been trained to do.”
“Is that it then?” Tears were streaming down his face.
“Why do you want to serve me?”
“I just feel so bad now….”
~Hmmm, kind of a lame answer, but we’ll let it go~
“Tonight you sleep on the basement floor wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt.
Tomorrow you will wake up at 4 am. You will clean the cars and the garage wearing only shorts. The cars will be cleaned inside and out, except for vacuuming, wait until we’re awake before you do that. The garage is to be swept and mopped. The corners will be wiped down. Perfection. Nothing less. After cleaning the garage and its contents you will take a cold shower. You will not dry yourself off. You will put the jeans and long shirt back on and then drive to the grocery store and pick up fresh food for breakfast. You know what we like, make it, and do a damn good job of it. After that we’ll find more for you to do. Go get some ice, soften up that disgusting pole between your legs, and put it
in the cage then give me my anklet back. No speaking, no eye contact. Leave me.”
~ I really hope he doesn’t fuck this up.. He’s one of a kind ~

     After returning her bracelet, Bill walked back to the spare room, put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt, and removed his socks. The basement floor was cold, very cold, much colder than someone standing on it with shoes might think. It was already 10:30 and he knew he wouldn’tbe falling asleep anytime soon. Bill thought about Mistress enjoying the comfort of her bed while he slept on a cold paved floor. His cock throbbed at the thought. Eventually he drifted off, and
just as soon as he fell asleep his watch alarm started ringing. He woke with a start, shivering immediately. He quickly went to the spare room, there was much to be done. He removed the pants and shirt and put on some short shorts Mistress bought some time ago when she wanted him to play basketball with the kids. He looked hilarious in them, everyone including Rob had a good laugh about it. He filled a bucket with cold water, as he knew warm water would be prohibited had he the opportunity to ask Mistress. He grabbed a rag and headed into the garage
to clean the cars. He cleaned those vehicles with absolute diligence and discipline. His feet were numb, and his hands were shaking, he checked the thermostat every ~10 minutes. Of course it was still 55 F, Mistress would not allow him to get sick. He layed on the floor despite his every instinct telling him that was enough cold for one morning. He wiped the frames of the car, the inside of the wheels, everything. After finishing the cars he treated the remainder of the
garage with the same care and precision. Once those were cleaned… it was time for the dreaded cold shower.

     One of his most hated punishments, the cold shower was the icing on the cake. He turned on the cold water, dropped his short shorts and then his underwear. His balls retracted toward his body in preparation for the hell that awaited. Bill quickly stepped into the shower. He gasped as the wave of ice smacked his stomach and chest then made its way down his legs to his still­numb toes. While hurriedly applying soap to his body, Bill stopped for a moment. ~Mistress is sound asleep, warm, and I am here doing this~ His cock hardened, his heart started pounding violently. ~and that is the way it should be~. This cold shower was the most relaxing, comforting, relieving shower of Bill’s life. Things were back to normal.

     After the shower, Bill put on his short shorts and carefully jogged to the spare room,shaking like a thin twig in the wind. He pulled the jeans and shirt onto his wet body. Water dripped from his hair and formed a cold ring on the shirt collar around his neck. Just as he started for the door, he remembered he needed to use shoes in a grocery store. He himself only had a pair of cheap sneakers and some boots for gardening. He once asked Mistress if he could buy sandals and she replied “Would you like to weed the garden wearing sandals?”, he put his head down and said “Good point, my Everything.” At this time, he acknowledged that either of those would be too warm and would displease Miss Manda. Bill eyed Rob’s sandals. He knew he couldn’t go there…. then he’d really be done for. He looked to the right, his cold, shaking body sank with disappointment. Miss Manda likes to keep most of her shoes in her closet so that she can choose them to match her outfit, but last night she had left her high heels in the entryway. That was it… his only option. Normally he would have returned them to her
closet, but he was too busy playing video games instead of helping Miss Manda…. He slipped the heels on. They were too small, and he’d undoubtedly stretch them, but it was his only option.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Story by Bill page 2

      He dove right into the plate and ate the food hurriedly. Not only was he hungry, but Manda’s food was absolutely fantastic, always! She sat across from him and watched adoringly. ~He has no clue…~ When he finished the plate, he stood up to start cleaning and was immediately stopped. “Not tonight dear, I can take care of it, just sit there and relax, watch me.” He was incredibly confused, but still appreciated the break. Manda finished the cleaning at about 7:40 and looked at Bill, “That was nice, doing that for you. Why don’t you turn in early tonight? Go brush your teeth and go to bed dear.” His pulse was firing, his heart was pounding, his neck tightened up. An aura of confusion and insecurity forced itself through his body. He stood up, clearly shaken. When he started to walk away Manda put her head down and cracked a small grin. She quietly followed him to the bathroom.

“Ohhhh slave boyyyy” He saw her enter the room from her reflection in the mirror, but was still somewhat startled. Bill quickly shifted the toothbrush to the side of his mouth to greet her with a muffled “Yes Miss?” “Eyes on me.” she said, as she bent over to remove her anklet. He immediately started to harden in his cage. “Here is the key to your chastity cage. Enjoy yourself tonight, and don’t make too big a mess!” She handed his trembling hand the key and walked out. Mystified. Floored. Total disbelief. Why was she treating him like this? He went to his room…. masturbated his half flaccid penis to a mostly ruined orgasm… he was too consumed with trying to understand the situation. The next morning he woke to the sound of Manda vacuuming the floor. He immediately put the cage back on and walked out to give her the key. “Miss… Uh Miss Manda” She was focussed on vacuuming. A minute or so later she noticed Bill standing there with the anklet. “Bill, did I say I wanted that back? Take it back to your room. And you had better not have the cage on already. You do not put that on without my
permission.” His mouth went completely dry and his voice crackled as he responded “Yes Miss Manda.”

After taking the key to his room and removing the chastity cage, Bill noticed that his Mistress, whom he loved with all his heart, was now doing laundry. He was filled with guilt, and thought “Ahhh she shouldn’t have to do that”. He approached her with “Miss, would you like some help? I could take care of that for you or just help…” She looked up, some sweat on her brow and a big smile on her face “No dear, I can take care of it. Why don’t you go play some video games for a bit while I find something for you to do?” His heart sunk. He was choking back tears. Meanwhile, Amanda was giggling with joy while doing what should have been her sub’s work.

A full day. Bill sat on the couch all day playing video games. She brought him food. She filled his glass. WTF. He could barely stand it. He checked on her multiple times… every time cleaning, cooking, whatever. He could only think “What on earth is going on?” Manda walked in just as that thought crossed his mind, “Bill, I’m going to put the kids to bed and then take a shower. After that I’ll need your help with something.” His cock grew immediately. For the first
time since removing the cage he had a rock hard erection. A fantastic, solid erection. It felt amazing. The excitement was back. The exhilaration returned full force all at once. Be it brushing her hair, rubbing her back, or, well, anything, he would be doing SOMETHING for her!

Story by Bill

Today's blog is a gift... I'e a young man who wrote Me an amazing story.  It sums up how I enjoy to live a D/s.   He's an exceptional writer and has given Me the honor of sharing his work with you all...

A Domme’s Gift
      by Bill
    There is a common misconception that Dommes are selfish.
As she was sitting there on her couch, legs stretched out, chatting on the phone with her husband, Manda noticed that his back was lower than usual. The sub’s back, not her husbands!
~What’s going on.. I’ve only been resting my legs on him for about 5 minutes…~ “Honey, are you listening?” she shifted her attention back to Rob “Yes hunni, sorry, something wasn’t working right.” They continued to chat for another 5 minutes or so and Manda stayed focused on Rob, instead of the problem resting beneath her legs.
    After finishing her call, Mistress Manda brought her knees up and rested her feet on the warm skin of her property. ~That was really irritating. A sub should never interfere with my family interactions..~ She started to recollect the past week while the footrest lowered even
further. Her slave had begun forgetting simple things, how high she likes her wine glass filled, settings forks and knives on opposite sides of the plate, even the fact that Tuesday was window cleaning day! There was also a curious lack of enthusiasm. When allowed to speak, he
seemed bored, when allowed to make eye contact, his eyes remained averted. “Slave.” .. “Yes, Miss?” .. “Are you forgetting your role in my life?” .. “No, Miss” .. Manda picked up on the slight lack of sincerity. There’s no fooling her. “Good, that’s what I like to hear. Bedtime is 9 O’clock tonight. You may start getting ready at 8:30.” This was a relief for the tired sub. The usual is 10 pm or whenever Miss Manda is through with him. Manda briefly squeezed her toes to warm them up using her sub’s skin. She then stood up and walked out…. Bill looked down at his
wristwatch. Manda bought it for him as a welcoming present  it currently read 4:34 pm. When she gave him the watch, he did not anticipate that it was to ensure he had no excuse for failing to
complete tasks on time. It was not uncommon for Manda to leave him in a position for an hour or so….
5:33 ­ The defeated sub starts feeling restless. He hasn’t heard from Mistress and is
starting to wonder if she forgot him...
5:56 ­ Bill hears Manda working in the kitchen, the sounds told him that she was
preparing dinner. On most days this was his job, but every now and then she liked to
6:20 ­ Mistress has begun setting the table… this has been Bill’s job exclusively since
day 1. He’s curious about her doing chores normally left to him. Maybe she thinks he
could use a break… but… maintaining position isn’t much of a break!
6:32 ­ Manda calls the kids in to eat. She explains that Bill is doing a new exercise program so he won’t be joining dinner tonight. He can hear her filling everyone’s glasses and divvying out the food… She really did want him to have some rest tonight!
7:05 ­ The kids filed out of the kitchen. “Slave, come eat.” Bill hadn’t eaten since 3 pm when Manda allowed him some white rice and a banana after he made her a chicken panini. He jumped up for the opportunity. “All you want Bill, have at it!.”