Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Saturday, May 23, 2015

White Gown but No Groom

I'm truly flabbergasted at the turn of events the last few hours.  You would think by now that I'd be used to the proverbial 'other shoe dropping'.  You'd think I would know that when something 'seems too good to be true' it really is. You'd think that I'd understand not to allow myself to get excited.  Ha... You'd think anyway.

Well, I didn't.  I am not a pushover nor am I naive but I do see the good in people and trust maybe a bit too much that they are adults and know what they want as much as I do.  I refuse to be jaded and bitter, in truth I can't be... I'm too optimistic for that. Lol.

I'd planned on meeting this guy and signing a contract with him over lunch today. For the last few months we have  been casually chatting. The last week or so going over a contract line by line. He is a pretty amazing guy.  Pete.  I'd hoped to write about him introducing him to you today as Mine... Well that was the plan anyway.  Who said what about the best laid plans going awry???? I understand that sentiment today more than I care to.  

Excuse me today while I reasses whats transpired, stuff my face with pizza and a chocolate bar, have a good cry, and go for a long walk.  I'll be back tomorrow with what I hope to be either a silly 'moment of insanity' to which all is forgiven and water under the bridge... Or at least my jaw off the floor and gut back in place.   At the moment though, this Mistress feels like a bride left at the alter.... 

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