Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Little Eyes See it All

  My children rarely if ever come p in blogposts. I am intentional in this... It's not that they don't play a majority role in my every day life, quite the contrary actually.  My children are the only people on this planet for whom I'd give up everything.
   If it honestly came down to my happiness or yours, no matter who you are, I will always choose my own.  With my children though it's different. I wold gladly give up my own happiness for theirs. They are flesh of my flesh, they are part of me.  
   If you'e never had any kids I cannot make you understand the bond that a mother has for her children ( or at least that they should have) .  When I pass away they are the legacy I leave.
   I was asked a few days ago if I believed that my children knowing I"m a Domme helped develop a positive sexual identity in them.... Here is my answer.

I've always been open and honest with my kids about everything including sex.  On the level they need anyway.  I obviously  wouldn't talk to a five year old above what he can comprehend or what he needs to know.  (IE.  No need to tell my 5 year old what sex is and what goes where.) 
   I don't however believe in being silent on the matter of  sex when it's thrown at them from every side by media and friends.  
   None of my children know exactly what I do... there is no need for them to because it's my private life.  Would any parent tell their children how they have sex.... good grief I hope not.  They do know though that mom is a bit different than most.  That she's 'weird' lol.  
   My teenage daughters quite often pick on the lot of those who text me and cal me Mistress or Miss Manda.  I've had subs here at the house and the girls playfully poked at them... they know what BDSM is on the level they need to.... obviously with the media (50 shades etc.)  it's out there.  So when they ask I am honest.   My motto has always been 'I'd rather them learn the truth by my than what is perceived to be truth by others their age or media'.
     To the actual question of positive sexual identity... well they are kids.  Teenagers often doubt themselves, it's how we grow at that age.. we examine everything and learn who we are.   I will say though that they aren't squeamish to what you and I would call out of the box.  They have friends who are homosexual, pansexual, and even asexual.... they know what this is and are accepting of people of all walks of life... and so my bottom line answer is yes, They are confident in who they are and not afraid to love those who are different.

      I'm by far a perfect mother but I do my best to show them the world is much bigger than any box any man can try to put it in... that life is beautiful and people are amazing.

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