Acceptance is to receive what is being offered, deeming it suitable or adequate.
A Servant Mistress lives in acceptance of herself.
She doesn't define herself by her mistakes or limitations but rather her achievements. She knows she isn't perfect but strives to live her best every moment, focusing on her strong attributes. There are lessons in failure if you're willing to see them. Failure is inevitable, it's human to err, but you should never define yourself by it. Instead adopt a growth mindset in it. See the failure, learn from it, and grow accordingly. In addition you should always focus on your achievements... When you lay your head on your pillow tonight don't list the things you didn't get done or do right but instead list the things you DID do, the things you did accomplish. I can promise you'll begin to accept yourself if you do.
She never compares herself to other people.
'Comparison is the death of joy' ~ Mark Twain.
Comparing yourself to others leads to envy, low self confidence, and even depression. It doesn't actually help you accomplish your goals because instead of focusing on the goal itself you're focusing on another who reached the goal already. Here's something I tell My children quite often... 'There will always be someone better at things than you but you will always be better than someone else as well. It's not how you measure up to other people that matters. Instead of worrying about what 'Sally' is doing just focus on what YOU want and reach for it!' I add a bunch of momma 'I'll be there to cheer for you' and such but that's always a speech I give when one of them is a bit down because 'Sally' got a better grade or ran the mile four seconds sooner
Empathy is the imaginative projection of one’s own consciousness into another being. A Servant Mistress has a highly developed ability to walk in the shoes of her submissives. She understands and appreciates her slaves’ circumstances and problems. I should state here that empathy is not sympathy. Sympathy requires no imagination... it's feeling where another has been because you've been there yourself. Empathy requires awareness and imagination. I believe it's one of the greatest tools we as humans have to communicate.
A Servant Mistress sometimes refuses to accept a submissive's service or performance when it’s less than the best effort given but she does not refuse the submissive. A submissive will grow confidence in their submission when their Mistress' empathize with them and when they are accepted for who they are, even though their service or performance may be judged critically in terms of what they are capable of doing.
If I assign a writing task to a sub who isn't an English major I don't expect every comma to be in proper place at all times. Not that I don't appreciate perfection but I can empathize with someone who simply doesn't know proper punctuation rules. If the sub does however, know them, and I've been witness to that then a small mistake can absolutely be pointed out.
Any Dominant can master perfect submissives.

1 comment:
Thank You for pointing out that it is important to acknowledge no one can be trained to perfection, ever. We all make mistakes... training helps reduce them, but that does not produce flawless behavior.
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