Where do you begin with fine art?

First you start off with a perfect canvas. The soft delicate and smooth skin of a woman is, in My opinion, the finest of canvas materials. It comes in a variety of textures, weights, sizes, and weaves. Every woman is different, every type of skin unique to her alone.

With the material decided upon you must then choose a form. The forms of women are even more vast than the materials. Curves of every sort, shape, and size bring the skin to life. From the ball of her foot, then her heel, ankle, up her thigh, to the rounding of her bottom, of course her breasts, and even her delicate shoulder blades curve in the most intoxicating and alluring way. Some are voluptuous and some are more subtle but each curve gives a specific nuance to a woman's body that both begs and dares you to take notice in the same instant.
Once the canvas is ready you must decide what type of color you will use. Water color, oil based, acrylic, or pastels as well as what it is you're painting. Oh the uniqueness of a woman's body only serves to draw us in more. To pick out any one aspect of a woman and exalt it alone is quite easy. She knows how to wield her body, how to speak to you without words.
Her hips that sway from side to side as she glides along, seemingly floating through space and time. They mesmerize even the most logical of thinkers.
Her soft neck, as it curves and stretches waiting for your touch and kiss.
Her eyes, those eyes that captivate and hold you. A woman quite often knows how to speak with simply her eyes. In a crowded room where the noise drowns out any voice, her body language is stoic... her eyes can tell you an entire story.
Her lips that part slightly when she smiles. They may silence you with a kiss or keep you dreaming as she talks.
Her long legs. -soft sigh- I love a woman's legs. They are quite literally the collapse of My thinking prowess. The way she crosses one leg lazily over the other and bends her knee or the way her calves get tight and curve so splendidly as she is walking in those heels. Behind the knee, that soft sensitive flesh is My favorite place to kiss... and be kissed.

Oh the ode to the purest form of art which is commonly called a woman's body could go on for days, weeks and years. There aren't enough words in the writ language to fully grasp the divine nature of a woman. I will end with what I find the most beautiful part of a woman. Her mind. A woman thinks in such a complex way. She is like a spider and her mind a web where everything is connected to everything else. One area of her life effects all others so to find the true root of a woman you must learn her entire world. This to Me, is breathtakingly beautiful. Her mind is the web, her eyes the twinkle that draw you to it... once she has you there you're helpless at her mercy. How could anything be more beautiful than that?
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