I've been asked if looks matter and if I would settle for less than some GQ or Vogue model type of person, simply to have someone to serve Me. I'm guessing they're asking if looks outweigh personality. Or if loneliness outweighs the desire to have someone aesthetically pleasing. This question is one of the many many timeless questions posed for both men and women through the ages. I figure I will take the time to answer it here just a bit using an analogy.
I have two cars sitting before Me.
The first is a Hennessey Venom GT. It has 1200 plus hp, 7.0 liter twin turbo v8, Cherry Red exterior with a beautiful rich black leather interior, and a stereo designed by Steve Tyler (Aerosmith) himself.... It's beautiful, makes My kitty purr just looking at it..... I sit in the drivers seat and turn the key just to have it make a hideous noise then begin to shake and rattle. Upon further inspection the chassis is cracked, the transmission is out, the piston is not firing properly, and the gas tank is leaking. She won't run without thousands of dollars poured into her to make her. She is nothing more than a $2.5 million dollar paper weight sitting in My driveway.
The second car is a 1968 Ford Mustang GT500KR. It has 7L supercharged V8 engine, 335hp, electric blue exterior with worn black leather interior, and an old dial radio system. This car is exquisite in it's own right. Not in the same way the Venom may be but it's no less a beauty. I sit in the drivers seat and turn the key. It turns over as the sweet sound of a humming engine fills My ears. Upon further inspection there are a few things that can be tinkered with to upgrade or make the aesthetic. She, however, runs expertly. She purrs like a kitten, and drives effortlessly, making Me feel like a Queen sitting inside her.
Now, you tell Me, which car would I choose? Let Me just tell you.... The Mustang hands down. Over and over again. First of all, just because I'm an old classic muscle car type of gal. Secondly because to Me, the value isn't in the appearance but in the functionality, the drive, and the way it makes Me feel.
I might point to those driving by in My driveway and smile nodding to the Venom...but it holds no more value than a paper weight. My Mustang... that's where My joy comes from.
The cars represent two different people I might be in a room with, both offering to serve Me. While one might be more pleasing to look at on the outside the other has all the inner workings of a beautiful and usable servant. I used to model, long long ago, I've met some people who would make jaws drop when they walked into rooms. I've hobnobbed with those GQ and Vogue people. Many of them are gorgeous yes but they don't hold a candle to the 'real' people I've met in life. Those who's beauty comes from within. Those who's character, personality, and looks make them beauty queens and handsome devils in My eyes.
To be completely honest....I will always enjoy a good look around the Vogue ladies and GQ men but to take any of them home to live with Me... nah, that's alright. Those who serve Me are divine in their own right. They are unique, talented, sensual, sexy, intelligent, witty, charming, and beautiful. (and yes men can be beautiful too :P) Does this mean I settle? Hell, fucking no. What it means is that I prefer substance over superficial. It means that beauty, for Me, is not only skin deep. It's the PERSON who is beautiful not their skin, hair, or complexion.
Now.. I will say. I have met those people who aren't at all attractive in appearance or personage. I meet them often and avoid them entirely. Those are the people who have no class, no manners, nothing redeemable about themselves. Many male chauvinist misogynist and bitchy bitter women fit in this catergory.. as do the slobs who just don't care about anyone or anything. Selfish people, narrow minded, biggoted, and My ex all fit into this catagory... They, to Me, are nothing more than 1974 Pinto's... -shudders-
1 comment:
Hey - i love the 1974 Pinto :p ... So, yes. Could not agree more. There is nothing sexy about a person that has little substance, is full if themselves, or feels they are superior for their looks. Stupidity - huge turn off. Sexiness comes from within and pours out. It comes in many shapes and sizes and veneers.
Thank You Mistress for the analogy. Spot on.
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