I was asked this morning if there are telltale signs that a woman is dominant even if she doesn't yet realize it. I've done some thinking, digging, asking those I know, and this is what I've come up with...
A Dominant Woman's Characteristics....
She is competitive and enjoys her power. She can hold her own, even get a kick out of, being in a man's world and his equal.... She believes that a confident, intelligent, and mature man is not threatened by a powerful and highly successful woman. I've seen this Myself, sadly it happens. (haha.. competitiveness doesn't end in the workplace either...tell a man you play Call of Duty and then kick his pewny little ass at it... he shrivels and mopes about like a little boy)
She's aggressive when it comes to the pursuit of her own happiness and fulfillment. She goes after what she wants in life, persistent and tenacious in all her endeavors. Not giving up until she reaches her goals. She is very proactive in her life.
She is confident. She possesses a self awareness and confidence that surpasses others. She is wildly and uninhibitedly feminine and sexy. To her, being feminine, beautiful, and sexy are not opposites to being independent, powerful, and liberated. She can be and is all of them. Some even can be 'cute'.
She possesses charisma, which she can use to charm others into getting her way and accomplishing her goals. She's energetic and outgoing. Happy and engaging. She draws people in with ease and grace. She also knows how and when to move from charisma to using intimidation to achieve her ends.
She's assertive, never being ashamed to ask for exactly what she wants. She has a strong sense of mission. She thrives on being in responsible positions and being in charge. Being responsible for others is equate to power for her. She is highly, if not prodigiously, intelligent. She also believes that she is more than highly capable of the task at hand.
She's nurturing. To her power means being a mentor and of help to others, cultivating, encouraging, and develop their potential in life. (haha... is that why I have a heard of children?)
She is determined. She refuses to believe in the antiquated concept that one becomes less agile and more infirm with age. Age is just a number to her. Besides, it is such an artificial construct which means nothing in the scheme of things. She is the type of woman who often remains vital in her old age.
She does not believe in complaining and whining. She sees complaining and whining as abject passivity and refusal to improve the negative circumstances of one's life. She furthermore view complaining and whining as a sign of being a borderline psychotic. She figures that if one is mentally healthy and mature, they should remedy their life if it is less than positive or satisfying. She will be annoyed and shun those who complain consistently about how terrible their life is yet do nothing to change it. Life is action not a pity party. The whole 'poor me' attitude is surely to get you on her bad side quite quickly. She knows everyone has their level of hardships and will be understanding but she will not tolerate whining. It's simply a waste of time and energy that she feels are precious.
She takes no half ass jobs and believes in no excuses. She believes if one makes their bed they should lie in it, either for good or bad. In other words, you reap what you sow. She finds it totally reprehensible that so many people want success and other types of rewards in life but refuse to put in the necessary organization, planning, and sacrifices to obtain their goals. When they do not achieve their desired goals, they blame everyone and everything but themselves. This excuse making really incenses her to the gazillionth degree. Stop with the excuses already!!! To her, people find it easier to make numerous excuses if their lives do not go the way they want than to look into the issues at hand. This goes for when a mistake is made as well... don't give excuses simply own up and move on like an adult should.
These are characteristics that a Dominant Woman can possess. However, simply because a woman shows signs of dominance doesn't mean she will make a good Dominant Woman to have a D/s relationship with. There has to be a level of balance, of self awareness, self discipline, and self growth. A knack for excellent communication and leadership skills. I often say, If I cannot asses, direct, and control My own path I don't deserve to do it for another.
Bottom line is that there are no 'tell tale' signs that a woman will make a good Dominant. There are characteristics of a woman with dominance but even those aren't seen from across the room or even in a casual conversation often times. It takes time to get to know a woman enough to know if she's a good Dominant and if she will fit your specific needs as a submissive.
(Thank you for the inspiration on today's blog topic bryan. I know it's not what you had intended when you asked for My input but it was inspiration none the less)
i have not commented on Your blogs in quite sometime, but i do read some of them. The title of this one caught my attention. i do agree with the entire blog, and to me it was very well written. i also believe that a good amount of those characteristics that You listed can also be found/seen in a true submissive. Of course, on a different level then that of a Dominant.
And just like the Dominant Woman having these characteristics but not being a good Dominant, that would go also with the submissive. It would and should take quite a bit of time to observe these people to see if they have enough to be a good Dominant or submissive. Anyone can pick a role and be rather good at it for a certain amount of time. But in time, the true "them" will surface. No matter what characteristics they have.
i hope it was ok for me to comment on this blog. And i would like to say...Thank You Miss Amanda for allowing me to continue reading them, even though i only read certain ones. ~Giggles~ i do find them still very interesting. i would also like to thank You for taking the time to do them. So...Thank You again Miss Amanda.
i cannot agree with this blog more. It is a very fascinating thing actually. One i have pondered and noticed over the years. There is something about a dominant woman that is very easy to spot. It almost starts in the eyes. You can just see a little glint. If you are lucky enough to view her in entirety, you can see all the other qualities mentioned in this blog and it becomes instantly clear.
However, just as Mistress pointed out, just because a woman is dominant, it does not make her a Domme by any means. This is kind of the fascinating thing actually.
This is what i have noticed, and some of it is anecdotal:
A dominant woman can quite often enjoy being the submissive in a relationship. It is something she craves because she is/has control in so many other aspects of life. She prefers to lose it in this area. This is much like the dominant man - in life. Many submissive men always have control. Giving it up to someone else in certain areas makes them feel more normal/complete.
With all that said, here is something i find equally interesting: some naturally quiet and not dominant men in their outward display of normal life can be Dom's. This is happens often actually. But for women ... women that appear to be outwardly submissive in their normal life don't tend to have a Domme streak running through them. They many times, can't wrap their head around taking control in the bedroom. This doesn't make them weak or inferior. It probably is just the nature of the way that we are made, our biological differences, etc.
Thank You for this blog Mistress. Quite a fascinating subject all in all.
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