Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Friday, May 29, 2015

Social Media Pros and Cons...

  This is a topic I've been dealing with the last week or so.  Well, in truth I have always dealt with it.  I am a social media freak, I have to be, but more than that I truly enjoy it.  I have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, Kik, Tumbler, Youtube channel, and so much more.... I do most of My shopping online through Criagslist, Amazon, and Google shopping.   Actually I am the Google queen... everything I do goes through some sort of Google app... email, shopping, blogging.  Haha I even use it for T.V.  We have this ChromeCast thing we use (don't have cable).  
   I like My tech and I love social media.  It's how I stay connected to people in ways I never could before.  Family and friends get to know what's going on where they normally wouldn't.  Grandma gets to see her grandson grow up through pictures on FB, FaceTime on the phone, and little emailed notes even though she's hundreds of miles away.  I can casually shop for things I know I will like for the house, the children, or Myself (especially those things you don't want your neigbors seeing you bring in the front door -wink wink-).   I get to be creative in a way that allows My thoughts and heart flow out in written word and others like you yourself get to read it, hopefully relate, and maybe learn at something at times.  
   Without social media I would have most likely been one of those insane stepford stay home gone insane and jumped off a short tree type moms.... yes short tree as in crazy enough to think the short fall would even do anything.  Haha.  For years I was seemingly trapped within My own house raising My children.  I didn't work outside the home and to interact with other adults I would resort to social media.  One such thing was a virtual chat server called IMVU.  It's this amazing place where you create a 'toon' that looks anyway you want it to.  You can go to different rooms (much like chat rooms) and everyone else has their toons there and you can interact.  A wonderful world of roleplay and fun.   I've met many amazing people there over the years and even gained some family along the way (who are family now in real life).  I met My brenda there :)   I sadly don't get on much now but do when I can.
     However, I've found there is a downfall for Me with the social media as well.  I am a very opinionated and open woman.  Everyone I know knows I'm bisexual and most know I'm into some weird shit (aka BDSM).  The extent that I'm involved they don't but I don't hold back who I am from the world.... As stated in the privacy vs. secrecy blog, I got tired of hiding in fear.  I am who I am and as long as I'm not harming anyone (which I don't ever do) then why live in fear?   So I'm not your normal sister suburban woman... but let me tell you a little secret or two.  That normal sister sally suburbanite DESPERATELY doesn't want to be that either... she's just adhering to the social standards she believes to be in place.  And furthermore there is really no such thing as 'normal'  There just isn't.  
      So saying that, if you could all see My FB you'd see that I've been in a number of long debated discussions with family and strangers over things like what I do.  Mostly because much of My family are legalistic Bible believing 'super chrisitians'.... I love them but their judgement in whether I am a good person or mother because I involve Myself with certain things completely aggravates Me and even hurts a bit.   
       I also like to show affection and attention in social media... which isn't always a good thing I suppose but it's who I am.  I will often write on brenda's FB wall that I love her or send her pics of something I think she will like.... I do more than often with Rob and the kids.... I'm not an overly mushy person, well not often anyway.  But when I do I go all out.  I don't like to hide My feelings.  Life is too short not to show those I love that I do love them in every way I can.
      Now, again privacy comes into play.  I obviously don't call anyone else out on their beliefs and lifestyle... that's a personal matter.  I would never post on brenda's FB wall 'Hey love, how's My sweet little slut today?'  or something... I'd never 'out' her like that.  I would never with anyone.  Now, I do have a few friends who are very open about their submission or Dominance in their FB or other social media and them I will openly discuss and post things on the topics.  
      There is a line though that I've come to this week that I'm not sure I'm willing to cross or more accurately willing to not cross.   I know this sweet girl who hasn't even come out that she's a lesbian or bisexual... not to anyone.  She asked to be My friend on FB but specifically asked Me never to post anything affectionate or anything on her wall.... it's ok to like things and that's about it.  I understand and respect her privacy so I would never do anything against that.  I personally feel a bit jilted though not even being able to comment or anything... like the entirety of Me is being hidden completely.  The BDSM is private and I understand that but I am no secret.... and loving Me should never be a secret.  
       What do you think?  Am I overreacting?  How do you feel about social media and our world?


Anonymous said...

Miss Manda,
I would say not to let anyone change who You are, because You are an amazing Woman just how You are! Always be true to Yourself and Your happiness.

If You really like this girl, perhaps it would be worth it to discuss it further with her, is it an absolute hard limit, or something that can be worked through, together? Is there a reason she's discreet, maybe due to family, a job, or?
Maybe it could be a goal for the two of Y/you to get to the point where she puts happiness before the fears she must have... Perhaps the whole thing was a misunderstanding or miscommunication?

For what it's worth, my opinion is that any issues or hesitations that are worked through as a couple will build a stronger and more open relationship down the road. She must trust You and like You a lot in order for her to ask You to be fb friends, knowing that gives You access to her life. Follow Your heart Miss Manda

Goddess Manda said...

Dear Anon reader,
Thank you for the encouragement and support. I did talk to her and found some of it to be nothing more than a misunderstanding/miscommunication.
Your opinion is worth something because you are worth something... never forget that. I agree with your opinion as well, the strongest of relationships are forged through trials and turns. Those who are true are worth every extra mile it takes to go.
Again, thank you for reading and supporting. It's readers like you who keep Me writing!

Miss Manda