Yesterday I received a message on Fet from one person who obviously climbed out of the shallow end of the gene pool when he was sludging out of the primordial ooze. (side note: I don't believe in evolution but love the term 'primordial ooze' it's just fun to say) Perhaps he was off stroking his tiny dick when God was passing out intelligence and thus missed the chance to get a functioning brain entirely.
Either way, male chauvinist idiots surely do make My blood boil like no other. I'm no 'feminist', actually as much good the 'feminist movement' has done has been equaled if not surpassed by the harm they've done as well. Look around, yes women have rights (thank goodness cause if I 'had' to be subservient to some man... god help the world) but the way women were treasured, cared for, cherished, and treated has been diminished beyond what words can convey. When a man will not 'hold the door open for a woman because he's afraid she will bite his head off in her desire to be 'equal' is abhorrent. No, women are NOT equal to men... I don't want to be equal. We are different. Men are stronger physically where we women are stronger emotionally and most often mentally. Men are more logical where women are more emotional (and being emotional is NOT a bad or wrong thing). Men compartmentalize where women weave a web of thought and feelings that cannot be undone. All men have a basic need to be respected where all women have a basic need to be cherished and loved. (these are general... there are always exceptions to the rule) There is a difference... we are not equal. To be completely honest women were thought of on a higher plane than men were, superior in many ways... they were treated as queen's, goddesses, and treasures. Now however, women are objectified more than anything. This is due in large to the feminist movement as well as the growing sexual revolution (sex has always objectified women... hence female full nudity is always alright where male full nudity is taboo still)
But before I get too far into this let Me simply allow you to read the message for yourself.
No such thing as a female domme only...
weak minded men who have a need to feel inferior to women out of deep seeded maternal issues or fantasies.
Only women that like to portray being dominant over a man or other women is a women with deep seeded father issues and/or self esteem issues.
Only women that like to portray being dominant over a man or other women is a women with deep seeded father issues and/or self esteem issues.
A man is naturally physically stronger than a woman only the weak would set to off balance that human nature.
What say you on that fact?
What say you on that fact?
My dear confused man,
I would argue your points and opinions but I've long since learned that arguing with someone over an 'opinion' they have never gets far. We all have our beliefs due to our circumstances in life, our child rearing, and our dispositions. One can not be argued out of ignorance.
Instead I will simply give you a personal first hand account in My own life to the 'points' you've made.
I have been dominant from a very young age. Always taking the attention and affection of those I wanted. Making My own decisions. Not relying on anyone or anything to make Myself happy or satisfied. I genuinely adore people and love having them in My life but in no way do I 'need' them to be complete. Those in My life are there because I WANT them to be.
I am a strong willed, self reliant, determined woman who knows what she wants and knows how to get it. I have not had one father but three. Three men who have loved Me in My life and who I am proud to be daughter of. I have NO 'father issues'... I never have. Being a dominant person has nothing to do with such things anyway. It's actually just a part in one's DNA, it's who a person is as much as their blue eyes or long nose. It's woven into the fabric of one's existence. So is the characteristic of being submissive. It's woven into a persons chemistry. The fact that it is a woman being dominant or a male being submissive has no bearing on any 'mommy or daddy issues'...So those points that you've made are irrelevant.
I quite agree with you, however, that men are physically stronger (generally as I do know some women body builders who could tear you from limb to limb with their bare hands). Again, it's something about the chromosomes that one contains that makes them physically strong and the Y chromosome does just that... it gives a male more testosterone, in turn, making them more 'manly' and physically stronger (among other things).
In agreeing with you on that point, however, I must add that simply because one has the desire to serve in NO WAY makes them weak (emotionally nor physically). Actually I find it quite the opposite. A man who is willing to set aside his pride, his ego, and his 'right' as a man to serve a woman he deems worthy is stronger than most. Not only does he have an acute awareness of his own masculinity and a confidence in it he also has the intelligence and emotional stability to allow a woman that control.
You see, dear lickmynutzufag, dominance nor submission is based on gender. So the entire message you've sent is irrelevant and invalid. I wish you luck in your path in life, genuinely hoping that you're able to learn the difference in an opinion and facts.