(hahaha.. I just so completely made Myself laugh at that I almost dropped My computer... I actually DO have a very feminine toolbox with all the tools a carpenter would need, only they are very girly...what a dork I am)
No but seriously, there are many toys, though quite unconventional some are, that I enjoy using. Today we will discuss some of My very favorite... I bet, you'll be surprised with at least one of them.

Let's start with Ribbon and Ties. They are perfect for blindfolds and bindings. I don't like chains nor rope.. they are too harsh and abrasive. Ribbon however, comes in a vast array of beautiful colors, textures, and fabrics as do men's ties.... I have to say, binding is fun, but I never bind where one couldn't get out easily... the mental binding is so much more of a turn on than that of the actual knotted sort.
Ribbon or a man's tie used as a blindfold, wrapped around one's head a few times, always does the trick perfectly. And it's a bonus I get to look at the delicious fabric that's used that session for it... and you get to keep it, if you want, afterward.

Next are floggers. I love the beauty and intricacy of floggers. I don't use them very harshly and those that I've owned in the past have generally been made of a soft material... even with that though they can and do leave a soft sting and pretty pink cheeks. The art of flogging has always impressed Me. I only dabble in it Myself however.

You have anal toys.... oh I love anal toys. beads, plugs, peggers, vibrators, and dildo's specifically for anal fun. Again, all varieties of color, shape and size. (with them a good solid strap-on is necessary at times but that I believe isn't a toy, just a means to use the toy)

Will the sensation be harsh, soft, playful, erotic, or fun?
Of course I have to insert here the best lube.. the only lube anyone will ever use with Me.. is water based. I have sensitive skin so silicone doesn't work for Me.., not to mention that some toys are silicone... using silicone lubricant ruins them. Not that I Myself ever need lubricant -laughs- My natural lubrication is enough for most anything... both a blessing and a curse at times.
In My search for pictures on the web... I've come across this... and completely went insane.... this will be My next purchase. I've never seen such beauty in a dildo. A glass dildo with teal swirls... simply heaven! I had to share it with you.
Actually, I have to admit, it's been a few years and My toy chest has been all but depleted... Not practicing it, I would know a friend here or there, or mentor someone and decide they must have the best so I'd pass along what I had in My chest. So I am now building back up the 'Toy Chest'!! Perhaps I'll find some new toys along the way, experiment, and enjoy some fun while doing it.
-evil seductive grin-
ummm ... with the penis plug in, reading today's blog ... as i began to harden and had the slight uncomfortable reminder that it was there ... a number of adjustments while reading through Mistress' blog and enjoying the "tools of Your trade" ... -giggles at Your making Yourself laugh btw-
But back to this list ... i can only imagine the tools Mistress uses for sensory play, and so looking forward to the experience. Now, please allow me to subside this very pulsating erection ...
Thank You for sharing Mistress. i have already discussed the crop with You, but "most" of the other things look quite pleasant. Especially the pink ones. ~Giggles~ i am looking forward to learning more about all of the things listed that i have not had the pleasure of experiencing yet. i can only imagine the honor that will flow through my entire body as You use these things on me. i also had a very girly tool box with handy dandy tools in it Mistress. Lol. Guess that makes me a dork also? Haha. Thank You again Mistress for the wonderful blog and sharing the pictures. The last picture looks quite interesting. ~Blushes~
With all due respect, Mistress, i do believe You forgot one: Your keyboard!
i have no doubt that You could make broccoli erotic (please, i have no pre-conceived notions on that, it just sounded so abstract!). But the point is, it's not the tool, but how You use it (but that still is no excuse for size). You, Mistress, are sensual and i do believe that You could infuse anything You touch with that energy. However, it was kind of You to share with us Your specific favorites, and i'm sure that we all had similar pulse-racing reactions.
On that note, i bid You good night, Mistress. Thank You in advance for mine.
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