Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Grow Up!!

   I received a message today on CS that read like this:

My ex wife discovered this profile and is blackmailing me until I complete her demands of serving 3 male dommes , giving her all of my savings , swallow her lovers cum out of a condom and get a tattoo that states I am a lying cheating cock sucking piece of shit unless I can get 3 dommes on this site to agree that this punishment is too severe . Please agree that these punishments are too severe . 

     Now, at the first reading I shook My head and laughed.  This can't be for real can it?  Seems to be too 'far' out there to be real.  Is it just a ploy from some idiot trying to get attention because that's what it seems to Me.   

     If it were though, how would I answer?  After all that is the point of the message itself.   I would answer like this (not sending it though just on principal).

Dear sir,
   You messaged Me hoping to get a response that the punishment your ex wife is giving is too severe in nature so that you don't have to undergo her demands.   I however, cannot in good conscience give you that response.  
     The reply I do give is as follows...
 Grow up, both of you.  I don't know how or why your ex found out about your profile but who the fuck cares?  I've never understood how people can be so childish at times.   She's your ex wife so why are you allowing her power over you to begin with?  Why is she blackmailing you over a profile on a 'kinky dating site'.   These are rhetorical questions as I do not want a reply message.  Just think.  Are you a ten year old child who's going to allow the bully to push you around?  And why the hell is a grown ass woman being a bully?   Both are a bit juvenile in My opinion.
     ~Miss Manda

     Short and to the point.  You may or may not agree with Me but It doesn't matter. It's how I feel regarding the message in whole.  It's a childish rant on both parties or just one looking for attention.   I have much more important things and people to spend that attention on.... Like you!!

    I love getting your comments, emails, and messages on both FL and CS.  I wrote about bryan My muse but in truth I have so many muses who spark creativity when I write.  At different times some of you have been just this.  So keep them coming, please.  


         If you, yes you reader, have any questions you'd like answered or any topics you'd like Me to discuss or rant on please feel free to email Me at 

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