I was asked today by My dear friend and playmate, Kyle, who I would be if I were a Marvel Superheroine.... It actually took Me a minute to think about it because there are so many good heroines and each of them possess something I admire or would hope I'm like. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Ms.Marvel, Black Cat, Wasp, oh there are many... I can't even truly make up My mind entirely. It's a toss up between Emma Frost and Psylocke.
First there's Psylocke...
This woman is just plain badass all the way around who was often displayed as cheesecake and pretty girl, using her body get her way. . What she can do with her mind is simply astonishing. She (in her 'vanilla' life) was a pilot, fashion model, government agent, and assassin. Ok can I get a mop please.. to clean the drool from the floor? I'm just saying... a fashion model and an assassin... damn. Oh and did I mention she is a skilled martial artist? Yup, she is. (btw, just noticed as I was setting up the pictures... her hair looks like Mine on the left side of the picture below)
She has vast telepathic and telekinetic abilities that allow her to read the thoughts of her opponents minutes before they make a
move. She can also make her presence undetectable from humans and
mutants. Psylocke can also cast
illusions to distract her opponents. She can use her telekinesis
abilities to increase her speed and strength and make her fighting
skills far stronger and is even shown to be able to out match people
with super-strength like Sabretooth or Juggernaut. Woohoo go girl!!
With her telepathic powers, she can receive and broadcast thoughts to
others, manipulate people's minds and possess them, create elaborate
psychic illusions, increase another mutant's power to incredible levels,
and even erase the memories of others.
A typical man . . . splitting on you the moment you choose to assert yourself. Story of my life
-- Psylocke
This woman fights with a telekinetic katana but she chooses her psychic knife over it in
most situations. She has been seen
creating psi-bows and arrows. She has even just used her raw psi-energy for energy
Who the hell wouldn't want to be able to wield a psi-katana??? That's just pure genius. Her mental prowess just amazes and astonishes Me yet so often she plays coy and lets people believe she relies on nothing but her body. Oh were I to have those powers, the danger that the world would be in, would be astronomical!
And Emma Frost...
Emma Frost is a stone cold bitch with a heart of gold. She's well known for her beauty, wit, and quite revealing attire. She (in her 'vanilla' life) was a teacher, co-headmistress, chairman of the board and CEO of her own company, an exotic dancer, ohh and My favorite... she had a degree in sex therapy. Did they take this woman's bio from the broad spectrum of My every fantasy in life??? It seems so. Yes, I'll take one Emma Frost to go please.
She is a powerful and experienced telepath. Her psionic powers allow her
to perform several feats such as mental communication, mind reading,
mind control, induce paralysis, possession, hypnosis, pain stimulation,
illusion casting, astral projection, psychic surgery, and by collecting
ambient psionic energy she can create powerful psionic lightning bolts
or "psi-bolts", that can attack on a physical or mental level and are
capable of rendering a person unconscious or even killing them. I want psi-bolts damn it... Emma's
telepathy is powerful enough to communicate and effect people all the
way across the planet.
I should have guessed that a boy who takes such girlish effort with his long locks would hit
like one. Tell me, have you ever wished a woman to put you on all fours
and grab hold of that mane? It's all right. I can keep a secret. Even a
god of thunder could use a little whipping now and then. I have such
pretty things to dress you in--
--Emma Frost
She can also transform herself into organic diamond. Yup, you heard Me, diamond. This allows her to turn into an un-living yet sentient and mobile diamond form. It grants her extreme resistance to damage, invulnerability to cold and heat, enhanced speed, super strength, immortality, and limitless stamina as her body does not tire or produce any fatigue toxins while in diamond form. She doesn't feel pain or emotions and has no need to eat, sleep, or drink while in this form as well. Now, she can't access her telepathy while in diamond form but it does allow her telepathic immunity to all but a few other telepaths. Emma can stay transformed for as long as she likes and the speed it takes for her to transform in and out of diamond form is quite literally almost instantaneous.
Sex therapist, stamina to spare, and no need to eat, sleep, or drink.... hot damn, where do I sign up for this? Her wit and charm draw people in then her bitchy 'I'm a damn queen and I don't give a fuck' attitude keep them in line. Sounds like a winning combination for a good Mistress if you ask Me.

I'm not sure which is more like Me to be honest. I see Myself in both these women to a degree. I would be happy being either.
perhaps Stan Lee needs a new character for his comics.... Mistress
Manda!! hmmm, what powers would I posses.... now I'll be thinking about
that a while. Any readers want to attempt to draw a comic character of
Mistress Manda for Me?
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I have many an artist friend. :)
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