Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pet Peeves

      We all have them.  Those things that make us cringe, that ruffle our feathers, grate our nerves or just drive us insane. 

      I have many, really, many many.  I do My best to try to tolerate most but there are times where it just hits that right nerve and I'm done.  I've completely walked away from conversation before because that nerve was hit just right and I needed to breath or I was going to go insane...

      Movie disrupters... When I'm in a movie theater and spent money to see a movie on the big screen I actually want to see it.  I HATE when some idiot around Me is texting, talking, or getting up a dozen times disrupting My viewing pleasure.  I do not hesitate to tap them and say something (politely).   I've even walked out of the theater and told a manager, watching as they were escorted out of the theater with a crooked little grin before again enjoying My movie experience.

     Spoilers.... I can't stand to know what's going to happen next.  If you and I are watching something and you know what's about to happen... don't even hint.  I will ask, don't tell... it is just a let down when you know the end of something before it happens.   My daughters do this all the time and it drives Me batty.  Now, I will talk to a movie/tv show when home... yelling at the characters or crying and asking why... but I won't tell you what's about to happen so don't tell Me.

      Skinny jeans on men... ugh, come on... for the love of the heavens and all that is right in the world... add a few inches to that fabric and let them just glide over your ass as they should... I don't want them so tight I can see your junk before it's in My hand.

    Crumbs in the bed... I don't like anyone to eat anywhere but the table in My house... I hate stepping, sitting, or just finding the remnants of food laying about.  In the bed, though, is the worst.  When I go to lay down It's usually with very little clothing on.  If I lay down and feel prickly crumbs from someone's food I get infuriated.  I literally will wake everyone up and demand who snuck food in My bed.  After they've cleaned it they can go back to bed.

    Public arguments...  Ok, I know there are some times that you just can't stand the one your with.  But please for the sake of your own pride, don't air your dirty laundry for us all to hear and see.  There is a time and place for everything... learn it, use it.

     Adding s...  Ok I have a few friends who do this and it makes My skin crawl.  Okay becomes  Okies (well to be honest I sometimes use that one).  I knows,  yous guys, Walmarts, Meijers, krogers.... people listen to Me, there is no s at the end of these so please don't add one. 

     Repeatedly asking the same question just in different words.  If I answer one way and you ask again ten minutes later with different wording, I'm just going to to tell you to get out of My face.  Ask My kids, they know.  Or when you don't get an answer, you ask over and over.  If you know that I heard you but still didn't answer it's because I didn't want to take the time and waste My breath answering for a reason.

    Homophone misuse.  I can be a grammar nazi.   Not that My own English is flawless but some things just irk Me.  Like the misuse of homophones: two, to, too.  their, they're, there. your, you're.

    Ignorance.   I don't mind teaching someone something, I often have to learn things Myself (I'm not all knowing) What I find irrational and irritating is one who wallows in their ignorance and chooses to stay there.  If you say that the sky is green and I prove that it's teal yet you won't agree, don't expect to have in depth conversations with Me in the future.

    This list could go on for much longer but I'll stop there for today.  What are some pet peeves you have?   I'd like to hear from you.  Have I left out your greatest pet peeve?  


         If you, yes you reader, have any questions you'd like answered or any topics you'd like Me to discuss or rant on please feel free to email Me at 

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