Sensual Domination

Sensual Domination

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Winning and Losing in Love.

       I was chatting with brenda today and this quote came up.  I have heard it before but didn't really stop to think about it until she asked if I thought it was true.  Haha... like I don't already over analyze everything.   So I had to stop a minute and think about it.   I asked Rob if he thought it true and of course got the answer I'm sure most would say... Hell yes.   It wasn't enough for Me though... is it true really?  Not only is it talking about love, which is such a wide word to use, but the wording of winning and losing is always relative to Me.  One can win while they lose and lose while they win... 

     It's true yes that you should hold NOTHING back.  I completely agree with that.  I have learned in My life that when things are held back massive regrets are had.  I don't like to live with regrets and avoid them at all costs.  If there is ever a 'what if' moment... I will more often than not take it.  I just want to look back on My life one day saying 'Well, it didn't work but damn that was a wild ride'  rather than 'what if I'd just tried it?'   Especially if it's love we are talking about.  Any type of love... from motherly to friendly to romantic... if you're going to love do it with all you have.  Don't hold back.  Always tell people exactly how you feel and show them you mean it with action.

   As far as the impossible being only so if you don't give it a chance... that's true to an extent absolutely.  I implore you though, please don't try to sleep in a bed of vipers, breathe like fish under water, or jump from a building and fly.... the outcome won't be all that positive.   I will say though, that if you never try something (ok be smart about what's reasonable here to try... sleeping with vipers isn't reasonable.. be sane people, be sane.) you can't say it's impossible.  I would have told you 20 years ago that for Me to have a family with kids would be impossible.  (I was told My body couldn't have kids)... and here I am at 36 with a wonderful man and our blended family of 8 kids (5 I've given birth to).   You don't know if you can climb Mount Everest unless you try.  

   What bothers Me most about this quote is the 'You never lose by loving' aspect of it.  I don't believe that's necessarily true.  It all depends on how you're defining the word lose in the sentiment.  

     If the meaning of the sentiment is in you won't lose those you love... well I call bullshit.  I can attest from personal experience that's not the case.  I have loved deep and hard and still lost the one I love.... several times.  Look at My relationship with jonathan... I loved him.  I loved him more than I care to admit really.  he became such a vital part of My life.  A friend and companion, a lover and confidant, and so much more.  I did My damnest to try and show him how much I loved him over and over again yet it wasn't enough to make him want to work things out and stay.... it just wasn't.  I lost.  I have no regrets no, I loved as much as I could, but I still lost.  That's only one example.. what about when I lost a child?  I have had two miscarriages in My life.  One at only 10 weeks and one at 22 weeks... I've lost three babies... I loved them with every cell I had yet I lost them...   Loss is a part of life.  It happens.  We cannot hide from it or overcome it.  We cannot love people enough to keep from losing them.  What we can do is to love enough for no doubt to ever shadow anyone's brow that it's true. 

    If you're implying that at the end of the day you can be happy with yourself knowing you've done everything you can to love someone with all you are... oh I absolutely agree.  Completely.  It's how I live My life.  If I lay My head on My pillow at night and can think back to something I could have done or said to show My love more... I don't sleep well.  Those who are in My life for any extended period of time can attest to this... I tend to 'overlove'.  LOL.  Yes, I will say it often and show it every turn I can.  I get mushy gushy gooey even with friends.  I'm sure I drive them all insane at times but I do it for a reason.   If I die, today.  I would want those who were important in My life to know without a shadow of a doubt just how much they meant to Me.... not guess. 

    So, in My opinion, when you love you can lose. But if you love with all you have you've lived your life to the fullest.  You've done your best.... and any good coach in any sport will tell you... whether you win or lose the game doesn't matter as long as you do your best and play your heart out.. you're a winner.  So My friends, readers, and loved ones... love your heart out and you're a winner no matter what.

(Thank you brenda, you never cease to inspire Me to think deeply and examine Myself... you're honestly My best friend.  My life is so much greater just by having you in it)

         If you, yes you reader, have any questions you'd like answered or any topics you'd like Me to discuss or rant on please feel free to email Me at 

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